could you do me a favour?

Crack Hitler

Jul 26, 2002
Well I guess I could've put this on the links-thread but it might've gotten un-noticed...

So, could you peeps do me a favor and take a second to listen to my "spiritual little sister's" band 'Calvin'. I think these kids make good music and Elska (she also sang in one of my band's song) has a nice and personal voice.

The four-song demo can be found at and yes the site is in finnish but easy enough to listen to the songs. The first two (faint & twisted little mind) are my personal favourites.

I'd really appreciate if you'd listen to these and gave your comments... cheers!
well, up till now i listened to the first two songs, and i think it's pretty good, like those song, the second a bit more. But i must say that i think that the voice sometimes does not really fit, i mean the way she sings. But then again there are passages where her voice fits well enough! Her style is a bit Björkish, isn't it? The Music is catchy but not simple at all. I like them, nice one Crack!
Yeah I know she sometimes sings a bit out of tune and stretches etc her voice a little too much, but atleast she takes risks and doesn't settle for being ordinary, you know? oh, and take into consideration that the first song was recorded like year and a half ago...
nice you liked 'em :)
yeah, it's always good to see an attempt of being not ordinary. And i agree with you that the first two tracks are way better than the following two, though song 3 is catchy too, but the keys are a bit unfitting! Well, you can keep us informed on them! :)
okay. i thought this would be shit. but it isnt!!!!!!!
i thought okay, fem. singer, the 100st band in the row. Fuck NO!
theyre playing some straight rock music with some ambient sounds (no gothic!). Her voice is indeed very nice. I love the way she uses it.
I'm convinced they have lots of a quality, and thinking you are living in Finland, it wont be a huge problem to sign a recorddeal (no kiddin).
Greet the lads for me ;) ! And let me know if they ever release an album or sth!