Counter-World Experience


New Metal Member
Dec 1, 2015
Words can't express how amazing this band is.

Listen and enjoy, make sure you check their other songs and buy the CD if you like it.

I haven't played in a long time, but I always preferred to do serves with rotating maps. I also wasn't a fan of custom maps very often but office and dust2 are always classics. All about those hot rushes and stuff. What was your preferred side and weapon? I'm a CT M4A1 man myself.
since we derailed your thread i decided to actually listen to the song and it's aight. too much of a jazzy proggy jam for my tastes but far less irritating than most of the stuff random newbies promote on this board. ain't exactly metal though is it?

I haven't played in a long time, but I always preferred to do serves with rotating maps. I also wasn't a fan of custom maps very often but office and dust2 are always classics. All about those hot rushes and stuff. What was your preferred side and weapon? I'm a CT M4A1 man myself.

yeah, i'm a rifle and deag guy. i don't really have a major preference for side but i guess i'd rather be rushing than camping generally speaking. i suck at sniping and i tend to play in servers where the AWP is banned lol

i like playing on other maps but i'm just way worse at them and it's frustrating. literally like half the game is just learning the subtleties of the maps i think, developing that sixth sense for where people are, what angles to use, where to have your crosshair at all times etc. i'm at the point where people think i'm hacking because i'm so attuned to it, whereas on other maps i'm comparatively kinda clueless 'cause i haven't put the same amount of time in.