Countryman Type 85 or Radial J48???


New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2009
Hi guys!

Ok, I read almost all the various threads about this topic, but I'm still a bit confused!

So, I have a Jackson DX10D with an EMG 81 (bridge position)... which DI box would you suggest me between the Type 85 and the J48? =)

Thank you in advance! :)
Definitely Countryman, in my shootout I found it sounded superior to the slightly thinner/noisier J48 (slightly being the operative word of course, the J48 is still capable of producing great results, but in comparison the Countryman bested it in terms of transparency
Definitely Countryman, in my shootout I found it sounded superior to the slightly thinner/noisier J48 (slightly being the operative word of course, the J48 is still capable of producing great results, but in comparison the Countryman bested it in terms of transparency

Yes, I checked out your shootout, but what confuses me is something i read in this thread -> Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide. This part:


Countryman Type 85 LINK
The only caveat with this box might be if you're running actives like an EMG... It might not be able to handle the loudest passages of your playing.... I.E. it might 'splat out' on the strongest transients.

Uhmmm...??? :cry:
Wow, really. I'm about to dive into a D.I. myself and use the EMG 81. So is it back to the Radial then?
I'm not an expert, but the Countryman, as well as the JDI (wich I own and is great) are passive DIs that can handle very well your EMG.
I wouldn't think either one or the other would make a HUGE difference, but the JDI has some more cool features, like polarity switch, and MERGE, with wich you can use the regular input + trhu output as 2 inputs summed to mono to the output (/w -15db pad).
This features kills the shit out of the Countryman if you plan on DI-ing keyboards
There are tons of Countryman owners who use EMG's, and I have yet to hear a single complaint from them (and I had no problem), so I'd say Glenn's worries were unfounded - and yeah, I'll see if I can dig up those DI's, though they may have been lost in a HDD crash :erk:
Marcus - can you repost the DI shootout files somewhere? I missed them the first time around due to being busy. Happy J48 user here but I am curious to try the Countryman.