Couple names baby Yahoo


Sep 2, 2003
Budapest, Hungary
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---A newborn baby boy has been named "Yahoo" by a Romanian couple - cos they met over the net.

Mum and Dad - Cornelia and Nonu Dragoman - courted online for three months before finally tying the knot, reports a local paper by way of Reuters. Lucian Yahoo Dragoman was born last month.

"We named him Lucian Yahoo after my father and the net, the main beacon of my life," said mum Cornelia.

Aaaaaahhh! ®---

I have just read it. couldn't be more offtopic, sorry, but thought you may have a few words on this... Mehdi especially :p
that three months really made me sit down :erk:

((I would also suggest to make some 'strange news thread' as there's always something that comes up in this topic...))
or ultimatemetal :rolleyes:

at school we once read this article that this website -i think yahoo- or yazoo or something gave quite a lot of money to the first 10 couples who gave their kid the websites name. i think in a few days all these yazoos were born
I was to name my cats Luna&Artemis&Diana after the cats in Sailor Moon :grin:
guess I will never have a cat though... at least not yet, because my sister would die because of her allergy :erk:
and also that time I was around 13, now I wouldn't name them like that I guess. one reason is that I would always turn around if someone else would call the one named Luna :lol: it was just a bit before I got this nickname
siderea said:
a black one could be mehdi
they're really cool those ones btw

i gave one to a lonely friend of mine, he got a little belly.

we used to have one around too, pavlov,

he was so cruel, no one was allowed in his territory. like there was this plastic homer in his tank, and he always made him fall over.
i swear i saw a little sadistic wave in his tail after doing that
I read a few years ago that some Japaneese couple gaves their son a name - Satan. So, I guess that I'm not too much surprised and/or shocked with this Yahoo kid.