The Management
Mar 13, 2004
Congrats go out to out own "Adriana Smith" Courtney Cox who has been picked as the "Runner Up" for the "2010 Guitar World Buyers Guide Model Search" which hits the stands on July 14, 2009.


I am so proud of Courtney making the magazine. She has worked sooooo extemely hard to be in the shape that she is in, and the last 10 months have not been the easiest with uprooting herself and moving clear cross country and not having any family around to help her with things. I want to thank all the girls and friends of TIM's for taking her under your wings and looking after her as you do !!!!!!!!
Getting back to the GW Buyers guide magazine, make sure you go to and register (after it hits the stands) so you can comment on her pic being in the magazine and how she should have gotten the cover in stead of Daisy and Megan from Rock of Love!!!!!! Ugh-are they serious!!!!!! (I'm so prejudice aren't I) Hahahahahahaha
I'm so proud of ya, girl! And I feel very fortunate to play in a band with such a talented musician. The "Rock of Love" girls got the cover???!!! What a JOKE. So, in other words, rather than choose a totally qualified, gorgeous, outstanding player, GW picked two people whose merits stem solely from being on a nationally watched (low-brow) reality show. Really, I think the Guitar World editors did not give their readers enough credit. Hmph!
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";8367403 said:
I'm so proud of ya, girl! And I feel very fortunate to play in a band with such a talented musician. The "Rock of Love" girls got the cover???!!! What a JOKE. So, in other words, rather than choose a totally qualified, gorgeous, outstanding player, GW picked two people whose merits stem solely from being on a nationally watched (low-brow) reality show. Really, I think the Guitar World editors did not give their readers enough credit. Hmph!

Perhaps they paid to get on the cover?
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";8367403 said:
I'm so proud of ya, girl! And I feel very fortunate to play in a band with such a talented musician. The "Rock of Love" girls got the cover???!!! What a JOKE. So, in other words, rather than choose a totally qualified, gorgeous, outstanding player, GW picked two people whose merits stem solely from being on a nationally watched (low-brow) reality show. Really, I think the Guitar World editors did not give their readers enough credit. Hmph!

Probably because the parent company of rock of love advertises a lot in their magazine and just like radio stations a lot of payola is done. So in essence $$. :)

Congrats My Dear,

Only the first in a long line of honors you're gonna receive in this industry. I'm stoked to be here at the inception...:worship:

They also need to give you an award for being a sweetheart.:grin:

:worship: A big congratulations to you, Courtney!! Too bad the magazine doesn't feel that women that actually play guitar (and play it well) should grace their cover. Rock of Love girls?!?!?!:guh: Never seen 'em or the show, but the Poison guy has got to be a bald, fat bastard by now! Do bald, fat guys get hot chicks now? I've been away from the States way too long and am coming home if this is true!!:lol:
I can think of plenty of female guitarists ( and BASSISTS! ) that should be gracing the cover and pages of a "musicians" magazine!
Cheers to you, Courtney!:kickass:
where do I order my first 100 copies (shhhh be very quite im going to be on ebay after she signs them) HA HA JUST KIDDING You rock great job. Fot this is true. You have the looks and the skils of greatness. Stay true to your self and ROCK ON!
Why hasn't someone with a few bucks started a magazine aimed at female musicians? I'd cover all four instruments, guitar, bass, drum and vox, because I don't think a pure guitar play would work. And write for women, without the pandering (Rock of Love girls on the cover? FAIL) or condescension (use the term "not bad for a girl" as a joke to ridicule the notion).

Journalism's dying these days (I know, it's my job) so good luck getting investors. Gonna have to bootstrap that one.

Oh, and grats Courtney. :) Almost forgot to get off my soapbox.