cover for Maiden's Dance of Death - WTF??

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
take a look at this pile of shit


I can't believe this is the official cover. The CGI quality reminds me of old Magna Carta album covers. I mean, its fucking Iron Maiden, couldn't they hire someone whos actually GOOD at CGI to draw their cover for them?!?

I hope the album isnt as bad as this cover looks :p
Personally I dont think thats the final cover. I have a feeling theres more behind the thrown in CGI that we cant see which will be removed. There appears to be 2 hooded men way in the back to the left.
Demonspell said:
I have reason to believe this isn't the final cover, but why would they release this mess of hilariously incorrect proportions and amateur graphics to the public?

For the same reason they said Ozzy sang a tune on the album back on April 1, I guess.
Polyeidus said:
Isn't that the dancing internet baby on the white wolf?
:lol: .. omg thats funny.
And is that a wolf? looks more like a pitbull..

The Reaper is not THAT bad.. and the chick to his right (flaming orange type mask) clutching onto him looks ok-ISH.. but the rest is so.. BAD, its actually rather disturbing to look at. The closest figure to the front right side has boobs so must be 'female' but if so.. its the bloody ugliest looking female i ever saw in my life. The entire thing is just repulsive.
I like the white dog.

I don't care if there is a pile of horse shit on the cover as long as the music is good and judging by Wildest Dreams it will be.

Maiden live at Earls court London Dec 19th, can't fucking wait, shame symphony don't come down here much.
That cover is simply awful :yuk:

I read somewhere that this really is the final version of the cover, so it looks like they're not going to do some Manowar stunt, like revealing it piece by piece...

My opinion about the cover is exactly the same as my opinion about the band, but still... That's honestly the worst cd cover I've ever seen!
It's absolutely terrible. Even worse than the cover for Guardian's ANATO, and I honestly thought that was impossible... ;) Weird that they didn't select another one instead despite the lack of time they probably had; there's no way this was done by a professional artist. And to think Maiden used to be known for their awesome cover art.