Eramaajarvi A centipede Dec 21, 2001 3,048 3 38 37 Zgb, Croatia Visit site Aug 14, 2002 #41 YAY, it's great!! Hopeb it'll still be around when my demo is realeased...
Johanna merciless DEATH Apr 5, 2002 3,239 43 48 Aug 14, 2002 #42 I dont have any art up yet anywhere, but I can try to get some up the last weekend of August when I get to home again Well well, and dont put your expectations up and think you'll see something extraordinary
I dont have any art up yet anywhere, but I can try to get some up the last weekend of August when I get to home again Well well, and dont put your expectations up and think you'll see something extraordinary
Shmeir Chosen One Apr 18, 2002 680 0 16 40 Stoke-on-Trent, England Visit site Aug 14, 2002 #43 excellent, i can hardly wait, so where are you now if your going home at the end of August??
Johanna merciless DEATH Apr 5, 2002 3,239 43 48 Aug 14, 2002 #44 Im off to school (where I study art ) and to my dear appartment but I'll be back... with some nice pics and artwork for ye all
Im off to school (where I study art ) and to my dear appartment but I'll be back... with some nice pics and artwork for ye all
Johanna merciless DEATH Apr 5, 2002 3,239 43 48 Aug 15, 2002 #45 I dont become anything, its just three years of study to prepare you for university art and photography is my main subjects.. but I study maths and stuff like that too... hell yeah, post!! show me yours and I show you mine!
I dont become anything, its just three years of study to prepare you for university art and photography is my main subjects.. but I study maths and stuff like that too... hell yeah, post!! show me yours and I show you mine!
Shmeir Chosen One Apr 18, 2002 680 0 16 40 Stoke-on-Trent, England Visit site Aug 15, 2002 #46 i would be inclined to contribute, but alas i couldn't draw to save my life i could just about knock up a few stick men or the likes but thats as far as my drawing prowess goes
i would be inclined to contribute, but alas i couldn't draw to save my life i could just about knock up a few stick men or the likes but thats as far as my drawing prowess goes
Eramaajarvi A centipede Dec 21, 2001 3,048 3 38 37 Zgb, Croatia Visit site Aug 15, 2002 #47 Me neither. I failed the attampt to enter an art school and since then I don't do much, cos I began to hate it. So I turned to music only!
Me neither. I failed the attampt to enter an art school and since then I don't do much, cos I began to hate it. So I turned to music only!