The new album


Nov 27, 2001
The title of the new album will be "Spectral".
Everything is going fine and the production will kick ass!:headbang:
The album will contain 9 songs of true Skyfire trademark with some new elements as well.

We've got some sketchs from Chrille @ and he's doing a really great job! :hotjump:

We'll post the cover here as soon as we got the final work.

Stay true!
Fucking awesome! Glad to hear it man! I cannot wait to here this stuff. Keep up the fantastic work and stay metal :kickass: :headbang:
Good stuff! The art for Mind Revolution was very groovy. I am sure the dude will do an awesome job this time around too...and yaaaaaaay! A title! Spectral! guys do like the 9-song CD quite a bit, don't you? 3 releases running :tickled:
1, 2, and 3 are cool song names.

I like Shades of Necro Death a lot. That's some kinky ass shit.
Is there such a thing as a Skyfire addiction clinic? I better start looking into it if i wanna get a passing grade this quarter. I dunno, maybe I should just go ahead and flunk. Tough Choice.
You guys are always to fucking cool when it comes to passing out info. Can't wait to get a track listing for this sucka, I have very high expecations of this one :D
§tygian Apothegm said:
i will attempt to guess the names of the 9 songs now.

1. spectral
2. grim at dawn
3. br00tal revolution
4. shades of necro light
5. viking death
6. the ogre march
7. skyfire pwnage
8. i live in a n3cr0 gr1m black forest of br00tality where i eat my lunch everyday
9. our only song with a solo in it! grim!

*HIDDEN TRACK* announcement for US tour


I like how Spectral makes sense but none of the other ones do. lmao.
SpiritCrusherX said:
A few ideas for bonus tracks:

Dimensions Unheard
Timeless Arrival
Sweet Dreams Evermore
From Death to Here
By Satan Forsaken
Dusk Will Not Break

I seriously have no life.
I personally would've opted for Dimensions Ungroped. (A play on Dimensions Unfelt, ha ha ha)