cover in progress


malebolgia's creation
Dec 9, 2001
any criticism is welcome...
dude, thats awesome!!!

the only thing i would change is the "skull face" on the back of the hand. it seems distracting to me somehow. but other than that its sweeeet
what did you use to do the blood splatter? it looks really realistic. Is that like paint on white paper or what? then is that overlayed with some layer option to erase the white?

yeah i would remove the skull..its kinda weird, the rest is really cool
Very Cool!!! Personally, I wouldn't change a thing. I kinda like the skull. If you think people may have an issue with it, maybe you can try something else in the hand. Otherwise, the hand would look way too plain.

I'd love to see more.
sorry..couldnt reply, vacation times :)
okay just to answer the unregistered's question, yes i did ink splatters on paper that scan various tries and mixed them to have the final result..then just some red coloring and multiply layer mode.
i like the skull...the band i think i'll keep it like it is :)
im still doing some changes and working on the rest ov the layout so stay tuned for the final stuff.
thanx for your comments.