
Justice Impaled

Spinkicks for justice!
Jun 17, 2006
Orange, NSW
Just wondering what people think about metal bands doing covers that arent metal songs...

Basically, I want to do "Africa" by Toto to add an extra piece to our set... (This is for a band I only do in my very spare time, that doesnt play live very often, and will be with the clean vocals, not growls/screams)


(Sorry if this detracts from TM)
As long as it's done well and doesn't just try to play on the novelty of a non-metal song in the set being butchered, it's often killer.

Examples of it being done particularly well: Vision Divine "Take On Me" (Aha), Guns N' Roses "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" (Bob Dylan), Adagio "Fame" (Irene Cara), Iron Savior "Crazy" (Seal), Marilyn Manson "Sweet Dreams" (Eurythmics), At Vance "Money Money Money" (ABBA).

Children of Bodom "Oops I Did It Again" (Brittney Spears) is the definitive example of how not to do it.
I think it would be really cool since i love Toto. Are you going to be actually singing or death growling the song? Because if it's the latter then i withdraw my support of this idea!!!!!!!! :p
I wouldn't do is same as but more metal.

Best way to go about covering a non-metal song in a metal style is to find the most basic way of playing and then fiddle around with the tempo a little, seeing which feels best for your band and for the song.

the other factors are the comedy value vs. respect.
are you doing it for shock and laughter or because you genuinely like the song and the band?
If if is the former, then you can pull out the most cheesy style and people will most likely love it, if it is the latter, then you really have to do it well.

if you get a recording of it sometime, post it here so we can all check it out.

all the best with it, mate.
IAre you going to be actually singing or death growling the song? Because if it's the latter then i withdraw my support of this idea!!!!!!!! :p
and will be with the clean vocals, not growls/screams)
I'd agree though - "Africa" really isn't the kind of thing you can growl your way through without making angels stick pins into baby Jesus.

(No Ben, that's not an invitation)
I think it would be really cool since i love Toto. Are you going to be actually singing or death growling the song? Because if it's the latter then i withdraw my support of this idea!!!!!!!! :p

Singing it dude. Yeah, Toto are one of my favourite bands. :)

I'll try and record like a really rough version of the song as to show what im wanting to do with it, then people can post feedback/hateback etc.
Although i wasn't all that impressed with them live TOTO have written some great songs and Africa def gets my approval as a classic so just be very careful with it.
Non Metal songs can work really well as covers i agree as long as done with respect. W.A.S.P.'s "The Real Me" by THE WHO (i think?) is a good example too.:rock: