Crüe Fest

i heard crue did alot of their old stuff which would be killer. how was the show? i like sixx:am's stuff and buckcherry seems like a good live party band - hahah just listen to their lyrics. mick said in a gp interview they'll be doing the crue fest every year cuz they want to get to that aerosmith/rolling stones level.
i heard crue did alot of their old stuff which would be killer. how was the show? i like sixx:am's stuff and buckcherry seems like a good live party band - hahah just listen to their lyrics. mick said in a gp interview they'll be doing the crue fest every year cuz they want to get to that aerosmith/rolling stones level.

It was a great show. I only saw Crue play since I walked in as they were setting up. The pit area was pretty filled, I was probably about 10 feet back from the rail. The Crue had a killer pyro show throughout their gig. I hadn't seen them since the mid 80's. Funny to see how much they've changed. Vince and Nikki have put on some weight (but that didn't stop them from moving around...they were everywhere!), Tommy is covered with Tattoo's and piercings. Mick looks like the grim ripper. They did play a lot of their old stuff. I can't remember the entire setlist, but I wasn't disappointed. Some songs I recall: Live Wire, Piece of Your Action, Looks That Kill, Girls Girls Girls, Wild Side, Shout At the Devil, Dr. Feelgood, Kickstart My Heart, Saints of Los Angeles. The encore was Home Sweet Home. They did ask the crowd IF they wanted them to come back again next year for another Crue Fest. Sounded like they wanted to make that happen. We'll see.
California show was way better than the vegas show the night before...











Were you guys really into Motley Crue back in the day? Kind of glam no?

I remember thinking they were just lame, then I heard their first album one night in high school and actually thought it was pretty bad ass. I was good friends with these 2 girls in high school that were in the girls girls girls video. Kind if their claim to fame around my neighborhood.

Home Sweet Home was always a good song. Let me guess, blond girls on guys shoulders with lighters in the air?

I never understood the tight pants make-up cross dressing glam rock. Poison, Bon Jovi, Winger. I mean, Flamarama man! I did have a soft spot for Skid Row though and still think Sebastian Bach is one of the best singers ever.
The last time I saw Crue was my favorite. It was at a small club in Hollywood with John Corrabi as the singer. He has such an amazing voice and to me, just made the old Crue classics so much better. That album with him on vocals was very underrated and it's too bad they weren't able to continue making music with this lineup. Way wasted chicks getting naked to Crue tunes at a small club is pretty cool as well!:lol:
The last time I saw Crue was my favorite. It was at a small club in Hollywood with John Corrabi as the singer. He has such an amazing voice and to me, just made the old Crue classics so much better. That album with him on vocals was very underrated and it's too bad they weren't able to continue making music with this lineup. Way wasted chicks getting naked to Crue tunes at a small club is pretty cool as well!:lol:

The Corabi album is so underrated!!!!!!! Smoke The Sky is heavy as shit!! :kickass:
Went to the Crue Fest in Seattle area and it was a killer show! MC put on a better show this time around than they did 2 years ago when I went to the Carnival of Sins tour.
Were you guys really into Motley Crue back in the day? Kind of glam no?

I remember thinking they were just lame, then I heard their first album one night in high school and actually thought it was pretty bad ass. I was good friends with these 2 girls in high school that were in the girls girls girls video. Kind if their claim to fame around my neighborhood.

Home Sweet Home was always a good song. Let me guess, blond girls on guys shoulders with lighters in the air?

I never understood the tight pants make-up cross dressing glam rock. Poison, Bon Jovi, Winger. I mean, Flamarama man! I did have a soft spot for Skid Row though and still think Sebastian Bach is one of the best singers ever.

I was in to Crue when they first came out.Saw them headline at the San Jose civic in '84 on the "Shout At The Devil" tour with Heavy Pettin' opening.I was just getting in to the Thrash scene & discovered bands like Motley Crue were not tolerated & quickly disowned them for fear of peer pressure.

The Thrash underground was insane.You'd get beat up for wearing a Motley Crue shirt at an Exodus,Death Angel or even back then at a Metallica show.God forbid if you wore spandex,hair spray & eye liner in that scene! It was all about whether you were "True Metal" or a "Poser".

All though Motley looked pretty damn Metal in the "Shout" days even with the hairspray & eye make up but when it came to "Theater of Pain":puke: They looked way too gay & tranny like so I was done with them for many years.Plus I was anti "Mainstream" and refused to go to arena shows durring the 80's hey day.I ONLY went to underground Thrash/Death metal shows in clubs.Total elitist mentality. I thought I was better and more Metal than the casual Heavy Metal fans that watched MTV,read garbage like "Hit Parader" & "Circus" magazines & only went to the big trendy 20,000 seat arena shows.I was against all of that.

Thanks to maturity I've rediscovered Motley Crue & appreciate them as a great band with great songs.You know what's funny, is a lot of people in the old Thrash scene have come out of the closet as Crue fans also.I still know a couple old fashioned people that still call them "Posers" and what ever but today it's not so dangerous to be a thrasher & still like bands like Motley Crue.