Boob inspector
The final version is great! Lasse, can you tell us something about the toms? samples or mics? (they sound really good) If mics, what mics did you use?
The final version is great! Lasse, can you tell us something about the toms? samples or mics? (they sound really good) If mics, what mics did you use?
sounds great, I would bring up the vocals 1-2dB but thats just personal taste!!!!
The mix sounds well balanced and epic!!!!
The snare/china combo reminds me totaly of inflames
great mix! love the bass. could you share any information on it? the bassplayer is actually a friend of minehe said he used your esp bass but couldn't tell me anything you did.
thanksman guitars are sick!!
i dont like vocals but mix is awesome
can u show the guitar screens?
wow, already sounds extremely huge, and the mix is clearly SLAMMED, i hafta disagree with adding more ambience, that'd muddy everything up severely real quick.. (wouldn't it?) sounds perfect to me. vox are a bit crowded in the mix but i think that's appropriate for this, and also an after effect of slamming the i don't hear any pumping or clipping EXCEPT for some of those tom fills. and my god, that bass. how's the PSA1 stand up to the bass DI driver? that's what i've been using with glorious results IMO. those drum samples, epic. the fact that you sampled those ... lasse > me. haha.
Snare is godly. I love those higher voiced snares you've been digging as of late. Lasse, great mix guy!