Cradle of filth guitarist severly hit by flying object from the audience


Wasteland Survivor
Mar 5, 2003
Underneath your bed
British extreme metallers CRADLE OF FILTH were forced to cut their set short earlier tonight (Saturday, August 15) at the Bloodstock Open Air festival in Derbyshire, England after guitarist Paul Allender was hit by an object thrown by a member of the audience, resulting in Paul being unable to finish the performance and requiring medical attention.

cowards that throw things have no balls and deserve a beatdown.:err:
Maybe his band shouldn't be shit, then he wouldn't get stuff thrown at him? Just a thought!

Hurling stuff at crap bands is fine.... if you're an asshole. I make do with giving them the finger and walking off to buy beer and wimmen, but throwing stuff? Fucks sake man.

I've seen people hurl beers at bands before, its like 'OI! THATS A FUCKING WASTE OF BEER!!!'. If you don't like a band, just tell them they're shit instead of throwing crap at them.
It's fun getting drunk going to cradle shows look for gothic broads to bring home. Some of their stuff is good, maybe this will piss him off so he will make an angry album.
I hate shit like this. If you don't like a band, don't go and watch them. It's simple. Don't go throwing stuff.

Imagine if you'd paid to go to Bloodstock just to see Cradle of Filth and that shit happened? The band you wanted to see ruined because of some prick in the crowd.
Some people are just fucking pathetic, this shit irritates me, you don't like a band, don't fucking watch them, don't fucking throw shit and injure them, that's just pathetic. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

Oh and Dave, I was going to go to Bloodstock only to see Carcass and Cradle, so yeah. People can be that 'desperate', people go to Download / Leeds & Reading / Sonisphere for one band, I don't think it's desperate that they might go with the mindset of seeing one band, will watch many others and have a good time.
as much as i hate them that isnt on, dont chuck shit at the band as temptin as it maybe, just go somewhere else, go see another band, go to the bar, go for a dump do something other than shouting shit and throwing stuff at the band
Some people are just fucking pathetic, this shit irritates me, you don't like a band, don't fucking watch them, don't fucking throw shit and injure them, that's just pathetic. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

Oh and Dave, I was going to go to Bloodstock only to see Carcass and Cradle, so yeah. People can be that 'desperate', people go to Download / Leeds & Reading / Sonisphere for one band, I don't think it's desperate that they might go with the mindset of seeing one band, will watch many others and have a good time.

Yeah I completely forgot you could buy day tickets for festivals hahaha. My bad.
Came back from bloodstock early today due to reasons of being ill... Only missed Amon Amarth and Europe so it's no big loss.

Cradle were fucking wank to be honest! Danny's voice was down right awful. I was blindingly drunk when they were on I only shouted "shit band, no fans" like twice then pissed off.

Paul was taken to hospital on a spinal board after being hit in the small of the back. The missile was an everlasting gobstopper from the sweetshop stall. The guard said they'd found about half a dozen of them on the stage and thought they were hockey balls because they were so heavy and hard. He reckoned it would have broken a nose or cheekbone if it had hit someone in the face.

Word on site today (from talking to a photographer who's been backstage in the press area with Dani) is that Paul was discharged today with bruising but no major damage to his spine. Apparently the balls were being fired from a catapult bought on site and now withdrawn from sale.
wow, i never knew cradle was so hated now, i thought their new album is a step up from the last 2.

eyewitness describes the incident ...

"I am writing in to say what happened during the CRADLE OF FILTHset last night at Bloodstock. I am still absolutely appalled at the incident and feel that the official statement from Bloodstockorganisers issued last night does not full portray the seriousness of the incident."I was standing in the second row, just in front of the centre of the stage, so I had a clear view of everything."Even before Paul Allendergot hit by the missile, the band already had to dodge bottles and cups thrown at them. Dani Filth[CRADLEvocalist] at one point remarked, that 'if you are going to throw things at us, make sure they are full!' Up to that point, this was nothing out of the ordinary, however unpleasant this must have been for the band."However, during the sixth or seventh song of the set, when the both guitarists were not playing and were standing at the back of the stage with their backs turned to the audience (as members of COFseem to always do when they are not playing), someone threw a large object that hit Paul Allenderin the lower back. He grimaced and put his hand to his back, immediately leaving the stage. The rest of the band continued playing the song without him and, eventually, they all left the stage."After about 10 minutes of silence, the organisers had announced that a missile thrown at the band had injured one of the band members and that the band would not continue. This happened approximately 35 minutes into an 80-minute set that COFwas expected to play."Having spoken to the security at the front after the crowd began to disperse, I found out that Paulwas actually taken to hospital (which accounted for the sound of ambulance sirens that was heard) and that the object thrown was, in fact, a 'gobstopper,' which is like a giant golf ball. It is incredibly dense and very heavy; if it had hit someone on the head, one of these objects could actually be lethal. What is more, three or more of these 'gobstoppers' had been found on the stage, which would indicate that someone actually targeted the band and that the m
Yeah I completely forgot you could buy day tickets for festivals hahaha. My bad.

Well it's people's own choice so just shut the fuck up haha.

Oh and Diddy, if you throw shit at MCR I will personally hunt you down ;D haha not because I like them in any form, but because I hate people throwing shit at bands. It's their job, who are you to make that difficult for them? Just leave them the fuck alone. I hate people generally being cunts to bands they don't like yet seem to make themselves suffer watching.
Cradle drove me to drink that night, I was in the crowd for half a song and went to the bar... Guess where I woke up Sunday morning? The medic tent... I blame Cradle for this.
