Cradle of filth guitarist severly hit by flying object from the audience

people throwing crap on stage should be removed from the festival/gig an banned from the venue. i find it very immature an disrespectful that generally tossers throw things at the perfomers when others have paid good money to watch them
I remeber being drenched in piss in Donnington 92'

Durty bastards pee'd into plastic bottles and chucked them

That was the only part I didn't like about festivals

I remember Nashville Pussy being support to SLAYER and they were getting pelted with beer

The lead singer asked the crowd to stop as it runs the risk of electrocuting someone as it would cancel the whole show and that the band would have no objection to being pelted at the end of their set

People did stop and after the set, the stage just got pelted and credit to Nashville Pussy they stood there and laughed and took the almighty barrage that followed.
You'd have thought that with all the armour they wear on stage gob stoppers wouldn't have bothered them too much.
You'd have thought that with all the armour they wear on stage gob stoppers wouldn't have bothered them too much.

Nah, thats for photoshoots

It's a bugger to play in those outfits

It really amazes me that some people still aren't beyond 'bottling' at festivals and slagging bands off over the internet. Seriously people. Grow up? :lol:
It's fucking pathetic if you ask me. If you don't like a band, don't go and watch them. It really is that simple. Festivals are well designed so that if you don't like a band on one stage, there's always an alternative on another. So why not go check them out? If they don't take your fancy why not go check the bar out, or the merch stalls, or the burger van, or your girl's ass, or go for a nice long poo.
I'll admit I did shout things at an empty stage before they came on (Be nice I was pissed) like "WHERE'S BLIND GUARDIAN GONE?!" and "I'D RATHER SHOVE KING KONG UP MY ASS THAN WATCH CRADLE" so they came on and I walked off to get horribly pissed (bad idea) and that was that. I didn't know about the gob stopper incident till I got home yesterday. :lol:

With Bloodstock, there were no other bands on at the time at all. Since Cradle were first announced for the festival they had negative feedback, something was bound to happen, same happened to Nightwish last year with people throwing bags of rubbish at them. Rather than booking "big" headliners, they should book bands people are going to enjoy or let Blind Guardian have a bigger slot cause they had a brilliant reception.

Edit: I'm not saying lobbing things at a band is a good thing to do!