Craig Williams from KNAC diss on Sara


Say Cheese!!
Sep 15, 2002
I was listening to KNAC online and about 3 minutes ago Craig Williams dissed Sara, he was talking about The Rock SHITTY Awards Show and The guitar player for Blare Bitch and said something like at least she plays her own music...instead of taking in the fact that he couldnt play Maiden if it bit him in the ass with Dave and Adrian showing him every part of every song.
Sara being my bestfriend and roommate...I now want to kill Craig 'Pussy' Williams!!!

All though Sara did get some publicity from him mentioning the name....all the same .......Down with Craig Williams!!

Whoa I Have had a bad day...let me tell ya!!

PS. I have always liked Betty Blowtorch
Don't worry about it too much. Craig Williams hosts the Unsigned Hour. Most of the people who normally listen to find the stuff on that segment of their programming to be unlistenable for the most part and don't bother tuning in for his show. Of course, if you'd like, you can write to Rob Jones ('s owner) and inform him that Mr. Williams has an alligator mouth that likes to diss on his listeners/fellow chatters. Perhaps it might be enough to convince Mr. Williams to think before he speaks.

By the way, Rob Jones' e-mail is :saint: But, you didn't get that from me.
Originally posted by Snapper
...Craig Williams dissed Sara, he was talking about The Rock SHITTY Awards Show and The guitar player for Blare Bitch and said something like at least she plays her own music...
My old band did some shows with Butt Trumpet which eventually became Betty Blowtorch and they were a cool band and some cool people (Blare & Bianca). Blare Bitch Project is Blare's new band since Bianca was killed.

I guess old Craig thinks it is cooler to be in an original band. Oh well. I think of DJ's the same as I do critics. Just because they get paid to talk about stuff, doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. He obviously hasn't seen the Maidens live! Anyways, I've seen Sara play a few times now and can say she's a great player. I don't need some stupid LA rag like Rock Shitty to tell me that. As for KNAC online, well it's KNAC online. No press is bad press I suppose.
Originally posted by Snapper
I was listening to KNAC online and about 3 minutes ago Craig Williams dissed Sara, he was talking about The Rock SHITTY Awards Show and The guitar player for Blare Bitch and said something like at least she plays her own music...instead of taking in the fact that he couldnt play Maiden if it bit him in the ass with Dave and Adrian showing him every part of every song.
Sara being my bestfriend and roommate...I now want to kill Craig 'Pussy' Williams!!!

All though Sara did get some publicity from him mentioning the name....all the same .......Down with Craig Williams!!

Whoa I Have had a bad day...let me tell ya!!

PS. I have always liked Betty Blowtorch

He's obviously biased. He shouldn't be, being the position he is in, but in all seriousness, what does one person's opinion matter?! In the tribute band industry, you have to have thick skin or you are never going to keep your sanity.
No, it's not Crazy Craig. Craig runs the Death Metal segment of the program.
There are plenty of people out there who despise the tribute scene. Maybe it's frustration; maybe it's jealousy. Anyway, I don't think Craig directed his comments directly at Sara -- it was to the tribute community in general.
Originally posted by bassbitch
.... Surrah ROCKS!!

I've got a roommate that loves Iron Maiden, but I can't seem to get him to see a maidens show. His excuse is that it's not the real thing. I say sooo f'n what! At least give it a try I say. If you have a good time, then by all means keep doing it! If not, then at least you gave it a fair chance. But, I can certainly say with the maidens, they put on a damn good show, they're much easier to get to the front row, AND you get to chat & party with the band. Plus, they're all female! I've seen other tribute bands (Creeping Death, Mr. Crowley, Hanger 18, (and after this Friday I'll be able to add Hystoria & Atomic Punks)) and have been impressed as well.

Up the tributes! :headbang:
Yes, the original music vs. tribute band debate is interesting. In fact, in 1997 I joined an Ozzy tribute band (which later became Mr. Crowley) primarily because at that time, believe it or not, NO club in Los Angeles or Orange County would even THINK of booking a METAL band!

If you were in an original metal band back then, forget it! But the clubs were starting to book hard rock/metal tributes. So, the Ozzy tribute was a way "in" so to speak. Heavy guitars, killer drum parts (thanks to Tommy Aldridge, Lee Kerslake, and Randy Castillo). And I absolutely love the music! I later joined/formed a hard rock/metal original group (which was also initially playing hard rock covers at bars).

Lemme tell ya, original music is A LOT OF WORK! Not only do you have the politics associated with songwriting, but it is very difficult to get people to come out to the clubs to see you if they aren't familiar with our music, especially on weeknights when original bands are typically booked!

So what do you do? You bite the bullet and open up for tribute bands who draw well, and get some exposure! And you have to spend a lot of time promoting your music (a primary reason why my original band ultimately fell apart).

Unfortunately for original bands, that's how it works for now. I've experienced it from both the original and tribute perspectives and it has been interesting to say the least.
Originally posted by drumslut
... it is very difficult to get people to come out to the clubs to see you if they aren't familiar with our music...

That's so true. If you know and like the music already, then you'll have a much better time. Nobody wants to go to a gig when they don't know the band (unless referred) because it could end up totally sucking! Since KNAC decided to go spanish (those bastards), getting visability for new metal bands is really difficult. From the listeners perspective, that sucks because it's always great to learn some new kick ass bands. Having to do a tribute band to increase the visability is bummer. But, do what you gotta do. Maybe mixing in some of the bands own tunes is an option. Maybe hand out some demo's. I dunno. I do know that maiden probably would not have gone anywhere until they came up with some demo's (called Soundhouse Tapes) and handed them out. If I was given a demo tape, but didn't know the songs, I'd listen to it. If I liked it I'd listen to it again and again, and then be inquiring about seeing gigs. But then there's the money for the demo's and so on. Shesh, it's never ending and an uphill battle.
Originally posted by Red Shirt
If I was given a demo tape, but didn't know the songs, I'd listen to it. If I liked it I'd listen to it again and again, and then be inquiring about seeing gigs. But then there's the money for the demo's and so on. Shesh, it's never ending and an uphill battle.

You gotta spend the money to make the money. It's promotion and if you can be creative in doing so, you can deduct it from your taxes at the end of the year since, technically, you're running a business.:)
Hmm. I may have have a few 7 & 7s in me at the moment, so I may come off as a babbling dick, but I could care less about any negative opinions toward the Maidens or any of their playing abitilities. There's really no reason to get defensive due to a DJ's obvious ignorance (or maybe even stupidity).

We're here in support of them - which I assume includes any Sara-slandering - but I don't give a shit if they're a "tribute band" or not. These women have been an influence on myslef and I'm sure many others with what they are capable of accomplishing (and HAVE accomplished) with their playing abilities, let alone the simple fact of course that it's MADIEN and that from what little I've gotten to know of them personally at this point, they're all extremely likeable individuals. I haven't heard any Phantom Blue material yet, but I find it highly UNLIKELY that I will NOT be impressed as far as Sara, JoJo, and Linda go. I'm also quite interested in what Wanda, Jen, and Mel have going on the side. And in addition, I would think that most of their muscial projects are, in fact, on the side with whatever other jobs or activities they have going on in their lives already as it is.

Yes, tribute bands do get slagged a bit, and hey, some even deserve it, but how can anyone seriously deny the capabilities of what these women can do muscially. They may be a fucking Maiden cover band for the most part, but realistically, not many MALE Maiden tribute bands could even pull this shit off so well. They made fans out of US!

They make us smile and enjoy what I'd assume is only a portion of what they have to offer, because they're undoubtedly good at it. And for simply being female (and it's unfortunate that I have to state that - I wish more women were so willingly capable), hell...

...I'll have another drink just to complement that.

This one's to you, laidies - as well as all of you supporters. All of us that are here for you (among many others not at this message board) know what you're doing and we know that you're doing a spectacular job at it - and that in itself is all that should even matter in the first place.

Um.... so there.

On that ridiculously long note, cheers, and all the best to yaz. ;)