Crazy Arrest right down the road from me

What the fuck. I'm curious to see the video myself to see if it's really as fucked up as the news made it out to be. I'm sure there are way worse things on YouTube, though. "The Grapist", anyone? This seems like it could be an overreaction. I could be wrong, of course. Sucks to be your friend right now.
Prosecutors say even though children weren't present when the lewd video was made, it's still considered child abuse. We tried to contact Emory before his arrest, but he didn't call us back.

um what? i'm going to have to disagree
I understand why parents would be upset.. He DID, in fact lie to the school, but 20 years in jail?! Really? Fuck that.
I understand why parents would be upset.. He DID, in fact lie to the school, but 20 years in jail?! Really? Fuck that.

seriously, this makes me fucking sick. i just watched the video at the top of the page - he even put a disclaimer in the video saying the children weren't present during the inappropriate parts.

i can't see how any judge in his right mind would uphold this tho.
Wait am I missing something?

He was authorized to be in the school. He jammed out in a class room with no kids present and video taped it, edited it "inappropriately" and uploaded it to youtube, a website elementary students shouldn't even have access to..........

So what's the problem?
he might have done something wrong in a sort of moral way, but i'd be very worried for the state of any legal system which could convict him of any serious crime connected to this.
It's this kind of fake high moralism and jesus back bending families that annoy me so much in America, like those parents that were being interviewed, what the fuck? They try to be so moral in their ignorant way but in the background he's just a wife beater and donkey porn watcher lolol.

Seriously, it really annoys me the authority that these people speak of, the morality, the "we must burn the witch" kind of sentences, when this is NOTHING serious, it really puts me off from visiting there (although I know this is a general idea yes), but it's a bit in these kind of things that we see the differences between americans and europeans... jesus christ...

And was it really 20 years in jail!?!? SERIOUSLY? You're fucking kidding right? He's only 21 and is going to spend the best years of his life, instead of building a life and a career, rotting in jail? Fuck that... this shit is fucked..
the EUROPEANS BETTER THAN AMERICANS attitude gets old, but I agree with everyone on how pathetic this is, 20 years in jail will only ruin his life and turn him into a criminal which he most likely would never be the other way around. People don't come out of jail "ya dude I learned a lesson, not doing it again", in fact they learn lots of lessons, from fellow convicts, which will only make him worse


seriously guys, not to derail anything but enough with that bullshit. You're not better or worse than we are. We all have things that are fucked up or at least perceived as fucked up by someone else about the countries we live in.

sorry, I'm a bit cranky

as for the dude in the news ... he's an idiot, he should pay a fine of sorts. He should NOT do jail time and no one should be looking to try and prosecute him in such a way. That should be seen as more upsetting by the community, the fact that there could be such a potential waste of taxpayer money in this.
I didn't say anyone was better, I just said there were differences, which there are... and as I also said I was generalizing but unfortunately this is what the media transposes