Crazy guy steals "drug smugglers" backpacks

No, you just put more thought into everything you do when you're high.
I'm telling you, driving while high or intoxicated is a bad idea. You may have experience with being high, but if I'm correct about your age, you don't have too much experience with driving.

Unless she dives into the bushes before anyone sees her.
Depends on whose 'bush' she dives in :P
People who drive stoned can be prone to accidents because they are very prone to get distracted by other things in the process. 3 different people at work have crashed vehicles while stoned because they were looking at various shit. One hit a mailbox, one hit a shed outside of a 7-11 cause he didn't realize he wasn't in drive, the other hit a parked car with a 4 wheeler.

On the other hand, I know one other guy, who is stoned all day, every day, that drives just fine, and I'll travel to concerts with him.
I won't drive stoned. I don't feel able to do so without feeling as if I'm putting people at risk..
I'm not justifying anything, but just saying that all the people who've driven me around while stoned seem to be more cautious than usual.
So you're making a general statement over some personal observations in your very small social circle? The most immediate flaw is that you yourself being a pothead skews the data pool.

Just because paranoia is an effect pot induces doesn't mean we should market pot to all drivers, because that's what you're saying when you say "Most people drive better when they're stoned."

Face it, it's a stupid fucking statement. An improvement would be, "A surprising amount of people I know drive very well stoned."

(but don't worry babe, you're still my sweet nurse)
Haha, I'm not a pothead. When I smoke it's usually at night when I'm alone, not when I'm out interacting with the world.

And yes, I was speaking on personal experience when I said most. Most of the people I know.
I thought it was passive dismissiveness, but hey, I can needlessly dole out useless info about me, too! Oh, I'm dirrrty.