Crazy Instrumental Shred Rock mix!


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Had a chance to work on an interesting track these last few days. It's as part of an EP that's coming for a local musician. I posted a track here by the same artist several weeks ago now, which was an atmospheric prog ballad. This particular track is basically balls-out wank rock with the guy doing leads all over the place.

See what you think!

The rhythm guitars were done with Revalver II... and I hope we get a chance to reamp them through the dual rect when we do the rest of the EP, because even though revalver is good, it's still lacking in this track.

Also, the snare sample was the Sonor Force Maple snare that Sly posted a little while ago. Awesome sound.

It's currently only had a rough mastering job done on it, to maximize level. The track will be heading out to a pro mastering studio afterward to get the most out of it.
It might be just me, but I think the kick sample is a little weak for the song (or could use a different EQ style maybe). If the kick clicked a little more, it would fit the song better.

Other than that, I'm really diggin this song and the mix. Great job man
Cheers guys. I agree about the bass tone at the start, haha... it's a 12 string bass, and they kind of sound shit as a rule. I think that's what the guy wanted there, so I can't really do much about it.

Hopefully there'll be enough time to run the tracks through the recto. I'll try get the guy to quad track the rhythms so we can fatten the track out a bit.

Thanks for the feedback!
I think the leads are pretty cool. They were actually reamped through a dual rect before. We really saturated the preamp by sending a shitload of level to it with the reamp unit, hence why they came out sounding so compressed.
man i love this do you have the preset for revII im diggin it sounds great for a sim....
I think the production is great. It reminds me of listening to stuff like greg howe in my younger years. I think the sound of the drums and is perfect. It's very different then a modern metal mix, more of a tighter rock sound. You're right though that snare def fits and I think the kick is spot on for the style. Great job and excellent playing brother!