creating a dead room

Nov 11, 2004
My band and i just moved into a very nice 16x20 rehearsal space..long story short the sound is just a reverb mess. what can i do to deaden the reverb levels in the room. I was thinking 4x8 sheets of 1 1/2 inch insulating foam w/fabric covering them, that would definately dull the sound from the 4x12's but i am worried about the pa being too lound(the speakers are mounted on tripods about 5-6 feet off the ground.......any help would be great(keep in mind that we are not wealthy or willing to spend more then a hundred or 2 on this......I is broke )
thanks guys
preludetotorment said:
My band and i just moved into a very nice 16x20 rehearsal space..long story short the sound is just a reverb mess. what can i do to deaden the reverb levels in the room. I was thinking 4x8 sheets of 1 1/2 inch insulating foam w/fabric covering them, that would definately dull the sound from the 4x12's but i am worried about the pa being too lound(the speakers are mounted on tripods about 5-6 feet off the ground.......any help would be great(keep in mind that we are not wealthy or willing to spend more then a hundred or 2 on this......I is broke )
thanks guys
well what kind of walls/floor/ceiling do you got going on?
Dumpster dive at some carpet stores that throw away all kinds of excess shit. They trash carpet that's the wrong color or cut all fucked, etc... nail that shit to your walls... its free, and does a good job... or use that egg crate particle board crap... we had that mounted to our ceilings back when.

Those are my tactics for cheapass sound shit.
I remember when I was with my first band, we rented a small garage and looked on the street for the things we might isolate it. We got those egg crate stuff, carboards, sponge. It looked nice untill it slowly began falling off the walls :)))) And stinking real bad :)
We had egg cartons in the ceiling in our old rehearsal room, it was really annoying when one fell down and you stepped on the nail that "kept" it up, i then started keeping my shoes on!

I'd say the easiest thing is to put cloth or rugs on the walls, like J the Tyrant said you can get it dirt cheap or even free and it does the job, just don't expect to have a room that sounds good for recording ;)
egg cartons are abit of a myth, they do nothing really besides hold eggs. Carpet off cuts will be your cheapest bet, it won't sound amazing but it will deaden it down.
Well, what we used was that pressed composite board shit just to line the ceiling and kind of reflect high frequency shit back down... seemed to work ok I think.. hard to remember... it was made of the stuff egg crates are used of... but compressed in boards like plywood shit... or what's that shit they use on roofs? MSB or something?

for dimensions, walls,ceiling..........the room is 16 across by 20 long.the ceiling is about 10 feet high and made of studs and drywall, the walls the same thing...i think the walls are double thick though....this is the link to the studio .i think they have a description and diagram. the floor is carpet\\
thanks again
J the TyranT said:
Well, what we used was that pressed composite board shit just to line the ceiling and kind of reflect high frequency shit back down... seemed to work ok I think.. hard to remember... it was made of the stuff egg crates are used of... but compressed in boards like plywood shit... or what's that shit they use on roofs? MSB or something?

MDF - Medium Density Fiberboard
The best thing is to get some drapes, the bigger and heavier the better (Velvet curtains are great for this). Hang them about 5" from the wall and it will deaden the 'verb and also help with sound insulation. Carpet is good but since you apply it directly to the walls it really doesn't do anything besides create a less reflective surface.

Anyone interested in acoustics and the reasons behind this recomendation should PM me, I could go on for hours about acoustics.
What we did back in the day was Take some MDF and cover it with carpet. We also mounted metal studs to the wall then put the MDF on that. We left the thinkness of the stud off the actual wall and left it empty. This was just to quiet the room for the people upstairs really but it did help. The MDF is a good choice although its kinda pricey. You could use standard plywood, covered in carpet but it wont deaden the room as much. You may want to cheat and lower the ceiling height with some Acoustic cieling tiles. (also known as a drop cieling :P) This would help as well.

You could also CHEAT and get some old U-Haul blankets, swe them together and drape them from the cieling making a tent over your head. We did this too and it worked well.

Da Fukn Guru
If you want to kill reflections but not the hi end, try getting some cheap 4X8 sheets of aspenite and hang them from opposite walls, with the bottom of the sheet directly on the wall and the top hanged about 6 inches out. You'll change your parallel walls to non parallel, and find your room sounds much nicer without it feeling like your brains have been sucked out.

Adding carpet & drapes will most certainly stop the hi-end reverb, but the bass will be unhindered by this. It'll just keep bouncing around the room. Break up your parallell surfaces.
