Creating V cover from scratch

Jun 9, 2007
I did something really silly yesterday. I was playing Knights of the Old Republic, and on Tatooine, I realized that the sand looked just like the sand on the V cover. So I took a screenshot:


Then I added a new sky which I made from a picture I found on the internet. I did some lighting effects and gradient shading with photoshop.

I then found an image of a cool picture frame online and I did a perspective on it to turn it at the right angle. I did a light effect on that so it looks like the light is shining on it. It also made it the right color. Finally I painted the shadow of the picture frame in with the burn tool. Now all I have to do is finish it by adding some guys and making the inside of the picture frame water. Here's what it looks like so far. Please help me by giving suggestions!

Pretty cool. Yet i think you can find a better (and smaller) frame. And also esp. the upper right and left corners of the sky might be in a lighter colour... Yet, really cool even now.
Thanks for all your comments. Heh, it is a flat horizon, lol :p. Yeah, I know about the flat horizon and I was going to change it, but IMO this looks more realistic. So I'm going to leave it and try to work around it. That does present a problem with the horizon matching up with the water part though. About the frame, do you think it needs to be taller and less wide?
I applaud your efforts but to be honest I'm not impressed. The V cover is a straightforward simplistic study in Photoshop copy and paste, layering, and a filter or two. The original isn't impressive, and anyone with mild ability in graphic art should be able to reproduce it without much effort.
why is everyone always so cynical and have to pick at every little thing someone does? Some were jokes I know, but regardless.. "ZOMG THE SAND ISNT THE RIGHT SHADE OF YELLOW! THEREFORE YOU SUCK!" give him a break.
Honestly, I think its great that someone is playing around with something like this ... that in itself impresses me. Somewhere in time I realized I was not going to live my whole life in awe.

Have fun that what its all about cause in the end none of "this" matters
why is everyone always so cynical and have to pick at every little thing someone does? Some were jokes I know, but regardless.. "ZOMG THE SAND ISNT THE RIGHT SHADE OF YELLOW! THEREFORE YOU SUCK!" give him a break.
Come on Charis, I thought you'd have figured out how we work by now :p
kenneth... lets see your attempt at it then. if you are gonna be a dick about it, at least back yourself up with evidence.
I wouldn't provoke him. Nope. Not the best idea.
Ok I understand you. It isn't hard much at all in graphics art, and anyone with mediocre knowledge of it can do it easily. In a way I agree with him, although I'm not really expecting you guys to be "impressed", or something. I don't know where the heck you got that idea from. :D You're judging stuff way too quickly, man. :p

The reason why I put this here is because it is interesting, and that it's cool that one can do things like this. It's also fun and an exercise in art. I didn't do it for "impressing" anyone, or to gain respect. Get what I'm saying?