Crionics - Neuthrone


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Crionics – Neuthrone
Candlelight Records – CDL352 – July 31, 2007
By Jason Jordan


Inevitably, because Crionics are from Poland and play meaty death metal, the quartet will be likened to Vader and Behemoth at nearly every turn. They share similar traits, but, due to the industrial, electronic nature of Neuthrone, Crionics resemble Thy Disease more than any other unit. Thus, it’s evident that the initiated could live without this release, even though it effortlessly hits par. In other words, for those who’ve already invested in this kind of death, there’s not much new here.

Still, Crionics capture that industrialized death metal sound perfectly despite their previous black metal tendencies. As a result of the keyboard, parts of ‘Outer Empire’ and ‘Frozen Hope’ recall present-day Dimmu Borgir, but otherwise, Neuthrone is mostly reminiscent of work by fellow Poles. Songs such as ‘New Pantheon,’ ‘Arrival 2033,’ and ‘NeuThronAeon’ are relayed at an incredibly fast pace, which an upfront, powerful production only bolsters. The deep, chunky growls complement the style, too, and again, the overall sound is massive. Particularly earth-shattering are the riffs in ‘NeuThronAeon.’ Keep in mind electronic effects flitter about at all times, and thankfully, enhance rather than detract.

When it comes down to it, Neuthrone is enjoyable but not essential. While several aspects of the band deserve praise, there also exist superior outfits peddling a similar shtick. Newcomers could certainly do worse than Crionics, though.

Official Crionics Website
Official Candlelight Records Website
Good review. The album is heavy is hell and sounds very meaty, but I think it lacks the spark that would have made this an outstanding release.