Crispy highs

i'll give the 2x57 technique another go. i actually was using a transformerless one i bought a couple of years ago, when i switched to a stock vintage one...everything seemed to come alive somehow. So i ditched the condenser, and i am currently micing the center of the cone as in pointed straight on but between the dustcap and the outer ring (is that what you meant XES?) I ditched the eq after reading an article from colin richardson here:

great read if you have the time. I actually found yesterday that boosting the ts volume all the way and setting the drive at 12 gave me this great spongy deal thatseemed to work. I will try it out for a while today as yesterday I tried it after my ears had sorta had it.
why does almost no one dig the 1960 cabs? didn't they record the black album with those? I heard they used them for the old white zombie stuff and pretty much every cool metal recording i've heard. lol even my fav impulse (who no one seems want to take credit for) is a 1960 with t75's.
thanks andrew i agree I usually end up somewhere around 6k unless i need a bit more attack. Today i decided to not worry about micing and concentrate on the tone in the room. it's a cramped place and honestly there was something bothering me about the 6505+ it seemed that everyone had these great upper harmonics and solid lows, and my tone was dark and missing the balls that the faceplate promised ;). I realized that the resonance/presence was exclusively part of the power amp section and i figured what the hell just crank it all the way. I got like 90% of what i was looking for just by doing that (in the room anyhow). It sounds ridiculous but with lows dimed highs around 6 and mids at 2 with the power amp settings it was tight, gainey and had a great chug with no external eq. My logic in building something like this amp would be idiotic rumble at resonance 10 and piercing static on the presence, but i guess eddie had other plans. tommorrow i get to pull my hair out try to mic this thing using fredman's technique but small victory today lol.

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