Critic my album - Out of the tracking session & unedited (Riffs only)


Oct 30, 2010
So there's a few leads/solos here and there but those are dummies and I'm waiting for my new guitar to record them.
This is totally not mixed, DIs not edited, MIDI not edited/humanized, unworked drums. I don't have to draw you the whole picture I guess : this is a W.I.P
Just want your opinions on the content/direction and all. Also, no vocals yet but will be the growl type of vocals and perhaps some female vocals in a few key places.
Thank you!

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This is quite some work... you do all of this on your own?

I really like melancholic pandemoniums intro... very oldschool horror theme - esque :)

How long did this take to put together?
Thanks for listening ! I am indeed alone on this. If I count the oldest thing is those compos, since 2005. Of course, some of the songs are still uncompleted (Prologue/Symphony/Nordic) but, for instance, I will try to fit the end of Prologue with the intro of Pandemonium.

I guess that with vocals and solos, it will be easier to listen to ;)
Wow, so 9 years... jesus. You work sporadically on this or religiously?
It's quite impressive that you have keep a single minded vision over that time peiod. My taste has changed so much since 2005.

I still keep remnants of the really stand out influences in my music, but I find myself so open to experimentation now.

Do you find yourself still focused on this particular style, or do you find yourself drifting away?

here's my latest peice, a mixture of death metal, funk, jazz and electro.

You might have seen it in another thread
Oh man the project is so different from my usual music and how I compose nowadays (acoustic, electro, classical, hip-hop and I find myself liking fusion jazz quite a lot). I'm pretty always playing and improvising (not improving!) instead of composing now. Anyway, I'd say the the core of the project was composed between the end of 2006 and early 2008, then worked on assembling stuff like Legos, borrowing riffs or solos from other Guitar Pro files (I made nearly a thousand between 2002 and 2008). And that's funny cause since then, I barely work with that at all anymore, and just compose straight in the DAW (or try to). Take "Slayer of Sin" for instance, the first 3 mintues were composed in 2005 in a 8 track machine then finished it 2 years later with Guitar Pro. I tabbed the first 3 minutes in Guitar Pro like 5 years later lol

But yeah, those are the tunes that I felt had a comon focus. Honestly I couldn't compose like that anymore either, especially now with responsabilities..kid/wife/house/job/school. I wanted to put it out at least, and try to leave it intact as it was composed back then. I used to say that I would quit playing metal after lol but of course it's not true.

Sorry for the long post ! Why didn't I record the tunes in 2008 ? Well back then I was still recording in "Windows XP Recorder", had MIDI instruments from Guitar Pro, didn't anything about mixing or a DAW. Tried a few/slowly learned then settled with Reason in 2010 and Reaper in 2012 (I use both). Then I tried many different ways of working on the album, tried to be organized but failed lol... until recently when I decided to record everything into a single session in the DAWs. Is it a fail, I dunno.. a damn loss of time I'd say. But I'll be geared for my next projects with mistakes not to repeat (that would be another long post if I had to devellop haha).

I listened to your stuff man and it is quite awesome/varied. I can see what you mean by trying differant things ;)
I bookmarked your soundcloud
Aww man, I settled with reason too... It totally kicks ass, and now with audio going straight into it, it is so near perfection. :kickass:

It's awesome that you endeavored to put that album out, you have something to show at least for all the effort you put in over the years... I wouldn't leave it there though, mix em good, fix the velocities on the midi etc... Make it something to be proud of, even if it takes just a little here and there over next year, the compositions are good, they deserve good production ;)
Wow! Awesome stuff! Some interesting and catchy melodies. Some songs remind me of older Dream Theater stuff(for ex: Poison) as well as Symphony X stuff(for ex: Ghost of the shadows). Always loved progressive music!
I really can imagine countless hours of hard work on this!
Fantastic job!

Thanks man, I'm often told that the solo in Pandemonium reminds a little of both of those bands.
I showed a friend of mine your album and he said 'He should totally do them properly, cus a lot are actually good songs. A bunch of them are like, top notch metal songs that just need proper synth instruments. Sounds like Children of Bodom crossed with Amon Amarth.' :)