Criticism Wanted!


Nov 30, 2011
Perth, Australia
Hey Sneap forum dwellers. I was wondering if you guys could give me some pointers for the mix I'm doing for a local band. Let me know what you would change. Thanks in advance!

Honestly, the only thing I'm not too fond of is the snare. I think a fatter snare would compliment the mix well. Maybe put a tape saturator and delay(slightly more if there already is delay on it) on the vocals, but other than that, I like it!
it's a good mix. everything is glued together, well balanced. I like to here a little more dynamic & seperation. like Jrich said, a different snare might break it up a bit & give it more life. I wish I knew the way to mix with more glue wile maintaining dynamics.
Thanks for the feedback guys!
I agree with you both, but I'm very weird when it comes to snares. It feels like the only type of snare that appeals to me is a very poppy (I don't mean the genre) sounding snare. I tried to add a bit more room and reverb instead, and it seems to have substituted well enough.

As far as the vocals, I agree. Pushed them a bit with decapitator and upped the wet/dry % on my delay.
Personally I'd like a little more top end/attack on the guitars. I can hear the notes very well but not much definition.