Critique on my version of Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Maps" (Cult of Luna/Isis style cover)


Mar 28, 2006
Orange County, CA

I'm a big fan of the Isis/Cult of Luna sound and this cover is my attempt to pull the song in that direction. I took a DIY acapella of the vocals and added the rest of the instrumentation on top. One of my concerns was to make the floor tom/bass felt AND heard for impact, so I wasn't sure if I went too far with the low end or not.

Samples were Toontrack's DKFH2 and the Metal Foundry samples. The atmospheric synth was an XILS 3 LE loosely followed by the guitar doing the tremolo line as a VST in Pod Farm 2. Main heavy guitars were PodXT and bass was a 5 string alembic sample in the Dan Dean collection as a NNXT sampler in Reason 5. Everything was then rewired and mixed in Cubase 6.

Any comments on the mix/production/arrangement/tones greatly appreciated!