
I read it. Admittedly I did buy the mag for the Nightwish feature, but I saw it. My older sister who used to be into metal but isn't any more read it as well and her response was 'Isn't that those guys you keep going on about? Does he go round in that all the time?'
Oh well, never mind. Just as well she didn't go to the gig :erk::lol::rolleyes:
It was alright. They need to do a proper full length interview type thing but I suppose they did do one a couple of months back when the album came out so I shouldn't complain too much. I should subscribe as I prefer the bands featured in it to Metal Hammer, I 'm just too lazy to cancel my subscription. And don't start me on Kerrang! or I'll be here all day!
Hey, I didn't say I liked Metal Hammer that much! I just subscribed a while back when they used to do some decent features then it massively went off the boil. To be honest I don't really like most metal mags anymore.
I think back in the day there used to be a bit more diversity in the type of band covered , now it's pretty much blanket coverage of the bands the magazine bums (i.e H.I.M, MCR etc.) and nothing else. At least you get a bit more coverage of European bands now which you didn't get before. Thank god I'm able to find out about bands on the internet and going to gigs because if I relied on magazines like Kerrang! and Metal Hammer to inform me about what's out there well...:rolleyes:

And let's not forget: the very first place I ever heard of Turisas was Metal Hammer so they can't be all that bad, I suppose

I'll shut up now as I suspect I've started to rant a wee bit. I think I actually did my Journalism dissertation on this very subject a long time ago so the temptation to bore everyone to tears on this subject is always there.