

Mar 6, 2007

There are only 2 of us now out of the original line up from back in the day.
I plan on moving in the next 4 or 5 months and the goal is to get as much of the album recorded as possible.
Work (non-music job)= 6 nights a week = yuk.
I'm REALLY needing some feedback on what's good bad and ugly to get some recording templates put together hopefully speeding the process along (I realize how impossible this seems.)
We haven't begun to record vocals yet because I'm hoping to find the right template/setup/sound to capture the essence of Crosseyed.
I totally realize that my mix isn't professional sounding by any means and I'm not honestly expecting to achieve studio-quality work but a man can dream big. or something.
I've learned so much from reading this forum and I've used a lot of the techniques and things in what you'll hear (hopefully it shows through because I've heard some pretty badass stuff on this forum).
The audio file is rendered 192kbps @ 44100
I'd basically really appreciate to learn how to add dynamics to different sections and things (I don't know how to use any automation or anything, any changes are done manually in other templates/projects because my computer sucks the big one.
I'll be getting my processors in the mail tomorrow so hopefully that'll help with the mixing plugs and etc

right now I'm working with dual pentium 3 (733mhz)
2gb ram
nuendo 1
and a bunch of free plugins I've seen listed on the forum for sweetening and whatnot.
If there's anything I've forgotten to mention please remind me so I can try to provide as much as possible to help you help me:zombie:
THANK YOU!!!:headbang:
I realize I'm not in the circle of norm on this forum but working on this album is very important and I'm hoping for what I consider professional criticism probably because I frequent this forum so often and just never take the time to post messages or build any sort of reputation here. Ironically I've learned more without talking to anyone directly and its beginning to look as though my mixes will be left dangling by a/n (audio) thread. pun intended.
I think the drums sound good. Lower the snare a bit and bring the kick up a little. The guitars are too dark for my taste and it sounds like there's only one track of them panned right down the middle. Gotta spread those babies out.
Sounds like a lot of sims going on. I'm not verfy fond of the guitar tone, try dialing a better tone with revalver 2 or I could reamp the guitars for you if you have the DI tracks. Also, upload your song to the forum ftp (there's a stick about that) because that audio player seems to be degrading the sounds.
Unavailable said:
I think the drums sound good. Lower the snare a bit and bring the kick up a little. The guitars are too dark for my taste and it sounds like there's only one track of them panned right down the middle. Gotta spread those babies out.

I think the drums and possibly bass are about the only part of the mix I actually like and I'm not so sure about how the bass sits (or doesn't sit).
I'll mess with the snare and kick volumes/eq to get them more even.
The guitars are double tracked and hard panned L/R and the guitar-overs are double tracked and not-so-hard-panned L/R (75% maybe)
I agree the guitars are dark (hopefully not muddy) but I'm not happy with my tone at all. I'd actually like the guitars to be a tad bit dark with a slight bite to them if that makes any sense to anyone besides myself.
How can I get the guitar tracks to seperate further apart?

Shadow_Walker said:
Sounds like a lot of sims going on. I'm not verfy fond of the guitar tone, try dialing a better tone with revalver 2 or I could reamp the guitars for you if you have the DI tracks. Also, upload your song to the forum ftp (there's a stick about that) because that audio player seems to be degrading the sounds.

I'm not fond of the tone either but then again I'm playing an omen 6 with factory pickups (yuck, I know) through a v-amp pro (what I consider the pod xt's inbred step-cousin). I don't really have money to spend on pickups and things because I'm preparing to move so I'm trying to get the most out of what little I have already but I'll look into revalver2 thanks for the tip! also I've read about reamping but I've never done it and know pretty much next to nothing about it. I dont have any DI tracks but I could read the reamping sticky and see if I can give it a go if you're serious about your offer. I wasn't sure if I had to be any certain member of this forum to be able to use the ftp for uploading higher quality audio, I do have the 320kbps @ 44.1 version and I'll look into that as well, again thank you.

ochants76 said:
Guitars are way too weak.

Thats why I'm here asking for criticism and advice in hopes that someone with more knowledge than myself can help me inject some steroids in my guitar sound.
The Schecter is not your problem, I'm still playing a Stagg I300 with stock pickups and I receive positive comments about my tone despite that. The v-amp, however is :puke::puke:

Read this thread I can reamp your whole album with the sound you choose and not charge you anything, though every t-shirt or button you buy from the merch site will make a very welcome contribution to the project. There's more info on reamping at my site: just click on 'Info'.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)