Cruel Addiction - A new kind of metal!


New Metal Member
Jun 1, 2012
Hey guys!

This is actually the bassplayer for a band called Cruel Addiction that's writing to you. I would like to bring you guys a new kind of metal, with influences from alot of other swedish bands like "The Haunted" and "In Flames", but also international bands like "Godsmack" and "Guns and Roses" which makes our sound kind of fresch.

It's genre is still metal, but we're focusing more on heavy riffs than speed. It's been known to be called "Metallica tuned down to B and harder vocals."

Please listen to this and give us feedback! If you like it, send us an email at and we'll send you some more, if you hate it, send us an email telling us why... Or something. Just... Please listen!

Hope you like it!
All the best,
Cruel Addiction