Crusade – Resilience

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
Crusade – Resilience
Self Release – June 1, 2007
By Ryan Starr


Is it hardcore? Is it death metal? To me it sounds like Crusade is a hardcore band with a guitarist who really likes Dying Fetus. But Dying Fetus has something that Crusade doesn’t, talent. The death metal parts are sloppy and generic, and the hardcore parts are simple, sloppy, and generic. If you really want to play death metal, you got to do more than throw in a couple tremolo riffs.

The title track ‘Resilience’, which was more hardcore than death metal, wasn’t too bad. It was fast paced, and reminded me a lot of Terror. I think if they stuck with the formula they used in that song, they would be ok. But after a while it sounds like they tried too hard to stick death metal riffs in the songs.

Another major problem is the parts just don’t match up very well. It seems like they threw random riffs together. Perhaps a little more time writing is required to really nail what they are trying to do. And who knows, that could be the key to making this blend work. Mixing the two genres isn’t impossible, but don’t just throw things together and call it style.

Official Crusade Website