Cryptic Vomit, Anal Penetration, Torsofuck, Blue Balls Bludgeoned, Bloody ETP, Polyp

Only ten feet?!?! I wouldn't feel safe standing on the same block with some broad who had Clitoral CumSlaughter rounding out her Ipod play list.Three words, "Victim of Molestation", (Not a band) Something is seriously wrong with a person who owns more than the 1 novelty album from this genre. I mean everyone needs a little Prostate Discharge in their collection, but no need to go beyond there!!! The males who listen to this garbage can be seen outside of your local H & M wearing a trench coat in June, greased back hair, and a smile that reads "I didn't do it".
I think the closest thing in my collection is Death's Scream Bloody Gore, but that doesn't have the sexual innuendos, which kinda makes it slightly better. Kickass album, by the way.
My girlfriend was dissapointed by the lack of offensive album names/cover art in my collection. I never even noticed how "clean" my taste in music was until that happened actually :erk: