CT Thrash?



Where'd you go to all of the sudden?As you can see,I'm no longer Darkspot.There was all of this shit where I'd try to register as Darkspot, but when I registered, all of the quick reply boxes were gone,and it still said that I was unregistered. And when I tried to post something as Darkspot, it would say that this username is already in use,so I just deciced to change my username to Allhater.Have you checked out my "It's sunny out..."thread? Anyway,what's goin' on w/you,how ya doin'?I haven't gotten a letter from you in the longest time. Oh,I finally got the Metallica figures and stage set up.It looks pretty good.You asked for a picture of it when I got it all set up. Please contact me!
Hey! I know, I'm SO SO SO SORRY that you haven't heard form me in such a long ass time! But don't despair! I sent you a letter yesterday along with a few pictures! I would say I've been busy, but I've really just been lazy! And now, I only check my email and come here at the public library, because at school they now monitor everything we do on the Internet.:mad: bastards. Anyway, you'll be getting a letter from me in a few days, Allhater. You and your friends should pursue Super*&%$(i don't wanna get kicked off)!!!! I asked in my letter if I can be ya'll's backup growler! Demonic growls, bongos, a cello, and morbid recitations, all good!he he. Now that I know your Metallica set plays "One," I'm jealous! That's my favorite Metallica song! I love it! Well, isn't you know who kinda hot? Eh eh? Well, I should stop now. Talk to ya later!:lol: