Cubase 4 Plugins


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
I bought C4 some weeks ago and automatically avoided the plugins (never like SX3's plugins)...
now when I created first ruffmixes I often used the C4 plugins and....I use them more and more often now....
They are really good (esp. the compressor, multiband-comp and StudioEQ)....
My mixes these days are done at least 90% with C4 plugins and Channelstrip....

you really don't need much more (cept aptrigga and a sc-gate of course ;) ).

Try it, they are REALLY good!!
I'm using C4 Studio and Im really bummed out that the multiband comp and studio eq isnt included there... Anyone know if you can buy specific plugins from Steinberg?

Really? damn, that are the 2 best plugins there! (ok, the comp is very good as well)

don't know if you can get them separately...but upgrading shouldn't be much more expensive though