Cubase 5 CPU crashes constantly


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Hey guys,

Im posting this here to hopefully obtain some advice from people who have had similar issues to this. I can't run much CPU wise *VST's etc* before Cubase know the typical....*freeze*....*ting*....ERROR!!!!

Im asuming its the same as the Superior 2.0 CPU issue people have been having. I too can't load big kits otherwise Cubase dies on me. At the moment ive got about 3 VST's running and I can't put much else on otherwise it crashes once again.

My PC spec wise should be fine, 4gb Ram, Intel Quad Core blah blah.

Anybody have any suggestions? Because I know this just can't be right :)


Sometimes it's good to trash the preferences. Once helped me through a crash series I could not explain.
Somewhere on the cubase forum it's explained how they can be trashed.
afaik cubase have some issues with dual/quad/more then 1 core cpus, you can do a bit of googling about it.. maybe turn off the use more then one core setting and see how it effects everything.

you example sounds a bit extreme, but try looking into it :kickass:
i had this to i think, cubase 5 kept on crashing after 10-15minutes,even with the first update. i stuck to cubase 4 then. after switching to MAC xD everything went just fine and i'm only using cb5 now. can't tell you what was wrong with the pc version...
Hmmm ive also got a graphic issue where certain plugins appear with no GUI just a transparent window + it crashes even if I REMOVE some plugins :S Its like its totally currupt or something.

I saw something on here a while back where ppl had the SD2.0 issue it was something to do with RAM useage and there was some program or something that allowed full use of 4GB memory? Something like that anyway.
I think it has to do with the memory limitation,search the cubase forum for the 3GB switch it worked for me!
I was thinking about upgrading my Cubase SX 3.... but it is so reliable and stable that I never step forward.
Are you happy with the Cubase 5 guys?

I did just that.
Im very happy so far. Still getting used to it looking a bit different but there are many "new" features here that I like.

All SX3 projects I have tried so far has opened without any problems.
Which plugins have such behavior (names)?
It reminds me issues with some Waves plugins...

Yeah tbh the Waves were the first to cause problems really. But its also other VST's S.20/synths etc.

I think the graphic issue is a driver issue since ive just upgraded my gphx card recently. Will have a search if there is any later. See if that helps.

And yeah Cubase 5 is totally worth it, don't let me problems put you off! :)
what OS are you using!?
take a look at the "energy saving options"
it has to be set to "maximum performance".
maybe this would help.

Oh shit sorry lads didnt see!

Actually I only had it done a few days ago and yes it seems to have worked perfectly! *The /3GB switch* I also did a big clearout of crap that was running in the background too.

It was a bit more difficult because everybody was saying you gotta edit the boot.ini however I run Vista....which dosen't have one....but found away around that anyway.

A happy ending ;) Recommend it to anybody.