Cubase 5 Setting question ??

Jul 15, 2006
Kenton, OH
Alright i got cubase 5 and wow its awesome.....i got it all setup and the way i like it......but there's one thing that bothers me and i don't even know what to look up to see what to do.......I have been up and down the manual and i don't see anything

Its the cursor project....You know when you start the song the cursor goes along.....when i stop it i want the cursor to go back where i started it from.....instead when i stop just stops and resumes right where i stopped it.......does that make since? lol

i know there is an option.......
I wonder if there is a way to macro that on/off. I use that feature frequently, but turn it on and off depending on what I'm doing, usually tracking/editing will return to start but during mix I'll turn it off.
I wonder if there is a way to macro that on/off. I use that feature frequently, but turn it on and off depending on what I'm doing, usually tracking/editing will return to start but during mix I'll turn it off.

With the 'ProTools' key commands preset you can toggle it with the 'N' key.

Otherwise you can bind it to whatever you want.

There are so many questions like this I have about the general workings of Cubase, and more about the 'why' rather than 'how' that it's probably best I not even start asking.