Quick Cubase Question...

Dec 19, 2003
Actually it may not be, but let me explain...

Recently had a nasty computer virus and as a result had to reformat my hard drive. As a result I've obviously had to re-install all my software.

Now when using Cubase (SX - yes I know it's old but don't have the funds atm to update) when I minimize cubase (when using a plug-in) there ceases to be any sound. For example: playing around in guitar rig etc... then I minimize Cubase on the desktop and the sound cuts out (note: Cubase is not closed, just minimized). Maximize the window again, we have sound. This happens with all plugins (synths etc) and this didn't used to happen previously. Leading me to believe that it is to do with some setting that I am missing here..? Can't find anything in the manual.

If some clever person knows the answer to why this happens, this would be a great help! :notworthy

There's a check box in the asio setup where you choose “Release ASIO Driver In Background” or something like that. I can't remember exactly right now but you need to uncheck that.
IMO this option has nothing to do with what he describes......
personally i just don't see any need for the minimizing. isn't there an option for leaving your plugs in the foreground anyway?
Yes, that worked! Knew it would be something simple! Thanks dudes!

Reason why I need it, since you ask, is because I'm jamming along with some backing tracks in WM player, and it's an annoyance to have to keep pressing play then have to fidget about maximizing Cubase while your track is counting in lol. Could just import it I guess, but still an arse on! Cool Crowley pic btw!

Thanks anyway! :)
ah okay.....learned something :)
with the WM player mentioned i would have known, but the minimizing thing is new to me.
^since the reason for minimizing only comes from the situation where you NEED the WM player (a situation the other two probably have experienced), it's just a tiny flame i guess.......
but i of course appreciate your mood....

don't take me too serious
Another situation where you'd probably want to minimize is when using a rewired software like reason or melodyne.
i still continue to think it's the cobination WM player/Cubase that required the driver release :grin: