Cubase - Copying audio regions without offset


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

It seems as if randomly that every so often when I use the selector tool in Cubase to select a region of audio from one bar to another, then paste that in another part of the song (say to copy a chorus), it will paste the audio regions with an offset. As in, they will play misaligned to the time they were originally in.

I've never had any other DAW do this, and Cubase does it with some frequency, to the point where I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong. Can someone tell me why it does this, and how I stop it from ever happening again?

i came here to say the exact same thing. the operation manual, whilst incredibly dry, teaches you *everything*.

You guys must have a different op manual to the one that I got with the Edu version :lol:

You have it in Cubase in some menu, cause yeah I got the same manual and it's really shitty aha.

And about that fucking stupid blue line, the only way I found to supress it is to select the region, press L, and go in the menu Audio, and something like ''snap point to cursor'', or something like that
I googled "cubase blue line" and found these answers from different cubase forums:

in midi:

"I think that blue line means that you have Step Input activated (the button just to the left of the MIDI Input button in the Editor's extended toolbar)."

in audio:

"it's the Snap Point" "You don't switch them off, but, if you don't need them, just drag them to the start of the region."

That's what I said, you can't switch that completely useless function off
Ermz, have you tried using the range selection tool instead of the arrow? That's the way I do it and it works fine.
from the cubase manual from the page "Audio":

"Hitpoints have Q-Points

When this is activated, hitpoints (created with the Calculate Hitpoints function on the Audio menu) have Q-points. These will be used for snapping and quantizing, which can be useful since the very start of the hitpoint may not necessarily be the actual “beat”."

personally I think that feature is pretty neat, because I use the scissors a lot. If I record a take "on the fly", I can just use the scissors with the snap feature and it will cut from the beginning of the bar.

It would be great if it didn't seem to arbitrarily present itself on audio regions where it's not wanted. Even when grabbing with the selection tool there is an offset. So, the only way to get around it is to manually click on each and every audio region that has the blue line and drag it all the way left in the sample editor?
i have a workaround for this:
make a new track (audio, or midi, doesnt matter) and create a new (empty) part in it that starts exactly on a bar, now select everything you want to copy, (including the new created part of the new track), now click on that part and move / copy the items.

the grid will always snap to the element that you drag with the mouse.
so all the other elements, no matter how much offset they have. will remain with the same offset as on the original position
