cubase grid resolution?


Apr 29, 2008
So today I made the switch to real drum editing, and it's not as bad as I thought, but am I retarded or does cubase not have a changeable grid resolution? I know you can change the quantize resolution but how do I get the grid to show 32nd notes, triplets when I want them, etc?? there must be a way...

if there's not a way, how are you guys editing your drums? the notes that are supposed to be triplets(or anything else that's "odd") don't have a grid mark so I'm kind of taking a shot in the dark with every one of those edits?
and just to be the one asking the stupid questions: have you zoomed in? :loco: if yes, how about double tempo or change from 4/4 to 8/8 for the editing?

yes I have zoomed in haha but good call on the time sig change, I'll give that a whirl.
good call but that still wont help with triplets not to mention there has to be a way to do it play it right in the first place? :flame:

edit: But I don't see why the triplets would be a problem, they are just a group of three notes of 8th/16th/32th notes and the cubase grid zooms up to 16th notes, so if you change it to 8/8 or double tempo you can get it up to 32th notes.
The midi tracks works well for this. So what i do is add a midi track, enable "edit in place", put it just next or before the track that i'm editing, and you'll see the grid ajusting to the quantize value on the midi track...
go into preferences and make your events transparent when editing, makes things a shit ton easier.

I just recently started doing this wish i would have sooner though!

Auster this looks like its the best solution to this problem. easier then changing the tempo track when there is more then tempo
edit: But I don't see why the triplets would be a problem, they are just a group of three notes of 8th/16th/32th notes and the cubase grid zooms up to 16th notes, so if you change it to 8/8 or double tempo you can get it up to 32th notes.

I think he might mean trioles, not triplets. In that case, you could just use dotted notes :) No need to force them as regular notes.
go into preferences and make your events transparent when editing, makes things a shit ton easier.

Yes I figured this one out ages ago, don't know how I lived without it though.

Good solutions guys, I still don't see why they just don't have a proper/changeable audio grid though. The midi grid works great, why can't we just have the same thing on the audio section? really dumb.