Problem with Cubase's Drum Map


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
Alright this has been driving me up the freaking wall for months now,

When i first started using Cubase's drum map everything was great, i spent time going through every lane and custom labeling the lanes to represent my DKFH EZ drummer's sounds,

Anyways for the longest time up top on the settings bar i could select a quantize note vaule that would snap my clicked in drum hits to the grid on the drummap. and a while ago I went to programm some drums today in cubase's Drum map Editor, and All the sudden the top drummap settings bar has changed on me and i can not select a note value i want it to quantize or snap to while i click in my drum beats

Where the pulldown menu should have a list of note values, it just says "Grid"

this is what it looks like


and this is what i want the quantize pulldown to go back to (using the piano roll as a reference because it works fine in that mode for somereason)


any help from you cubase drummers would be appreciated, ive been trying to figure out what setting got changed for months and havent been able to figure it out!
maybe you accidentaly unloaded your drum map? On my screen in Cubase SX3 I have a box that you do not have that shows grid, grid reletavive, events, shuffle, etc... right to the left of the quantize box, right of the box with the big Q. I think you must have changed your drum map or something.