Cubase: How do bounce virtual drums


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
I'm Cubase & AD user. When I'm preparing the tracks for mixing, I always bounce every dry drum channel on AD to a WAV Cubase audio track to avoid adding too many FX in a VST and save CPU, so then I can treat tracks like if it was a real drum.

The way I do it is exporting every channel one by one to audio tracks by Export command.
I wonder if there is any way to bounce them all at the same time in different tracks.

Bouncing all at the same track would have another advantage.
In Cubase's midi track parameters, there is a posibility to humanize drum tracks. I like to set it "Position 1-15", it gives a real good realism to drums randomizing a bit the position of the notes, but the problem is that everytime I export a track do a different random position, so there is sync problems due to the bleeding, overheds and room tracks.
That's why I'm also interested in doing it at one time.

Use like this:
This is interesting, I have been wondering about randomizing programmed drums in cu base to sound less mechanical
I'll have to look in to it when I get home!
The way I do it is exporting every channel one by one to audio tracks by Export command.
I wonder if there is any way to bounce them all at the same time in different tracks.

You can do this in Cubase 5. That's probably the biggest reason why I upgraded.