Cubase SX3: Can I bounce multiple tracks automatically?


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
I am wondering if it is possible to bounce a number of tracks automatically in Cubase SX3.

I am getting kinda bored doing this manually and thought there might be a way that I not aware of.

What I'd like to do is:

1) select the channels I want to bounce/render
2) press export

and then Cubase automatically exports those channels one by one as mono or stereo track (depending on what the track was) to one directory.

Is that possible?
Silverspike TapeIt 2. A VST plug that you put on each track you want to export (put it last in the plugin chain to capture the sounds of all your other plugs), set it to start recording when you hit the PLAY button, and all the tracks you have set up with TapeIt will be recorded to audio files of your choosing. It is a HUGE time saver! It's not free, but reasonably priced for all the time it saves. The original version of TapeIt is still freeware, but it does not have the ability for all instances of TapeIt to simultaneously record when hitting the play button.