DFH2 & Bouncing Tracks in Cubase


May 17, 2007
Manchester UK
Hey there, first post here, but I've been a lurker for a while now.

Basically I'm running Cubase LE and I've got DFH2 and everything is working fine, programmed plenty of beats in and even put some live bass to them, getting a feel for the software and plugins. Still waiting on a Microdock M for my EMU 1212m before I do anything proper(I'm aiming to do my one man band comedy grindcore side project soon), but I am just messing with mixing etc and playing with the plugins I got etc.

Anyway, just been reading around here and I've noticed that some of you bounce your DFH tracks to audio so you can gate/compress/eq them, I was wondering what the best way was to do this in Cubase LE was? I tried separating each drum into it's own MIDI track, i.e. track of Kicks, track of snares, toms, then cymbals etc. This was a pain because I fastidiously plan the right and left hand hits in the key editor, but besides that doing this would not take advantage of the bleed that is available in DFH2.

How should I go about this?


Not sure about bleed in DFH2, but just solo the individual track in DFH (kick, snare etc) Then Export the solo'd track, a window should pop up, click the "export to pool" and "export to track" boxes. You'd have to Do that with every drum track though.
Hey I tried separating each drum into it's own MIDI track, i.e. track of Kicks, track of snares, toms, then cymbals etc. This was a pain because I fastidiously plan the right and left hand hits in the key editor, but besides that doing this would not take advantage of the bleed that is available in DFH2.

I'm not sure if I understand what you are asking, but I hope this helps.

Start with the obvious: Do you have each DKFH2 drum going to a different out? If they are all going to outs 1-2 then you'd likely have to solo each midi track, in which case you couldn't get the bleed....you want each drum going to a different out (kick to out 1-2, snare to out 3-4, etc.)

I can't think of any other problem because as far as I know, if you solo the track that the drum is on and export, you'll get the bleed just fine. There's no reason to mute the other midi tracks. Then again, I'm using Nuendo.
Yeah that worked fine, I hadn;t realised to use the solo buttons in DFH. Got all the mics with bleed, so much so that the kicks, snare and toms drown the cymbals out in the overheads, might experiment with the dry kits and save myself some filtering to tame the bleed.

One more thing, any idea if I can split the toms into three channels so I can pan them in the mixer? or am I going to have to automate the panning in the waveform itself?
Yeah that worked fine, I hadn;t realised to use the solo buttons in DFH. Got all the mics with bleed, so much so that the kicks, snare and toms drown the cymbals out in the overheads, might experiment with the dry kits and save myself some filtering to tame the bleed.

One more thing, any idea if I can split the toms into three channels so I can pan them in the mixer? or am I going to have to automate the panning in the waveform itself?

only way to do that in DFH2 is to run 3 instances of the plug-in if your CPU can handle it.