Sequencing DFH2 in Cubase?

Torniojaws said:
Is it just me, or does my DFH2 have something special in it because it outputs all 8 stereo tracks on its own, you don't need to do separate MIDI files for each drum :confused:

i think thats the standard way it works, at least thats how it is in dfhs.
Torniojaws said:
Yes I know, but I was just wondering when all the guys here talked about making separate MIDI files for each drum to mix/add plugins to them.

What you are seeing is the vst instrument outputs. In Cubase, you should see both the MIDI channels AND the VST instrument output channels (the ones that are called 1/2, 3/4 etc). YOu can tweak and mix in the Kontact interface (the blue screen with the piano roll at the bottom) AND you can mix the individual drum parts within the sequencer (via the VST instrument output channels).

It is pretty cool. I usually use the KOntact interface to get the drum sound I want, make sure the output isnt too hot, etc. THen I use the VST output channels for mixing the drums within the context of the rest of the song (sometimes, Ill route all the drums to a single group channel after I get the drum mix correct, so that I can raise and lower the drums in the mix with one slider).
Thanks for all the info 006, it really helped me a lot.
BTW I see your using a mac. I just bought a macbook pro... and all my recording programs are windows based. Where did you get the mac version of cubase?