Cubase SX3 + DFH2 help


Nov 2, 2006
I had been using Cubase SX1 for recording but recently got SX3, but theres something wrong with the drums. When it gets to a complex kind of beat with notes close together, like a blast beat, or 16th note double bass, it doesnt play wat is written, and jumps and plays all random notes. It only happens when its with DFH2 for the midi, and doesnt happen with the LM-7. I know that my computer is capable of doing it, because it worked fine when i was using Cubase SX1, but now it just does it since i got SX3.
Heres a clip of what i am talking about;
Its supposed to be a double bass beat with quarter accents, and it plays the first 3 notes right, then just plays random stuff.

Also, could you please dumb the replies down a little...i'm still a novice:rolleyes: :p

I really dont have the kind of money for that at all. I just need to find out how to fix this, although i would love to get DFHS:)

Anyone else know how to fix this?
It's not an ideal solution (i.e. the damn thing should work without faffing about) but a similar thing happens when using SX3 with Reason.

If you go into the key editor (the editor where you can draw in the notes) and anywhere you have groups of notes; very very slightly shorten the notes by a few samples (best way is to highlight the group then hold left click on the note length field at the top of the key editor so it "rolls" back the lengths) - give that a try see if it works any better
That didnt seem to work.

Another strange thing is; the files that i created in SX1 that had blast beats and stuff open and play fine in SX3...its just the new ones that i create that dont work properly.

Anyone else know whats going on?o_O
Try this:
Go into the plugins informations box (not sure how it's translated in english) , search for DFH2 in the list and select the "old behaviour" mode.
That Didnt seem to work either:mad:

Just checking that i did it right;....i went to the Plug-in info thing, and found Drumkit from hell, and clicked the box in the Old Host Behaviour line, so it had a tick, next to a "R".. That didnt work thought:mad: :mad:

Anyone else?
Maybe you are simply running out of memory. SX3 is way heavier than SX1...
Did you try to tweak the Direct from Disk settings?
Maybe you are simply running out of memory. SX3 is way heavier than SX1...
Did you try to tweak the Direct from Disk settings?

I dont think its running out of memory, because like I said, the files created in SX1 that had blast beats and stuff open and play fine in SX3, its just the new ones that i create dont play properly