CUBASE noobfail question.


Nov 17, 2008
Embarassing question. This is what I get for being self-taught.

So I'm in cubase, tracking a drummer, drummer wants to punch in. I roll back a few bars, drummer has headphones and is listening to what he just played. Drummer starts playing. Now regardless if i've set punch points or just mash record, i am now required to as quickly as i can click one-by-one the "monitor" buttons on each track (usually kick/snare/guitar) to switch over from playing back the previous take to allowing the drummer to hear himself playing live (and also the guitarist.) this might be confusing without screenshots. i'm also using a firepod which has basically zero routing flexibility.

i suppose basically what i'm looking for is a setting/macro that will automatically switch each track to "monitor mode" when i punch in or hit record, and then (ideally) flick it off when recording stops.

or maybe i'm just oblivious to some other more traditional method of punching in/out that i'm just not aware of :rolleyes: HALP PLZ&THX?!
I don't have cubase in my office but if my memory serves me correctly, a folder track doesn't have a monitor arm toggle, only solo/mute/record arm

i just jumped in reaper and clicking on the "monitor" button on each track provided three modes: on, off, and auto. a right-click of the monitor button gave me a menu and one of the check on/check off options was "monitor while recording". reaper pwns, i think i may just need to make the full switch =/

If there are no other tracks between your drumtracks you can do this:

Select the top track
Hold shift and click the bottom track
Now all are selected and you can activate them all at once (I think :))

More than one click though but still...

EDIT: F4 is the key shortcut to monitor.. That eliminates one click :)
you could make duplicats of your tracks, make 2 folders
in each folder you have the same subtracks (BD, Snare...)
you use one for playback, and one for recording

after the take, you move the one from the recording folder to the playback folder
Im pretty sure cubase handles folder tracks just like Nuendo, which is what i use.
What version of cubase are you using?
SX3, I'll check it out next time i'm in at my studio PC. You might be right, I'll just kick myself for not thinking of that. haha. Thanks for all the tips, dudes. Still feeling the urge to switch to Reaper full-time. The ability to record a drummer with no click and then tempo map > warp to fit grid > detect transients > quantize accoustically is just too delicious.
my question would be why do you need to toggle direct monitoring on in the first place?

When I had my Firepod's, I never once used direct monitoring, so maybe it's just me. Since the blend knob is there, I'd usually just set the right level of blend between the live analog inputs and the playback, so punch in's was easy and seemless, and no monitoring of the input through the DAW was necessary.

Do you apply plugins that the drummer needs to hear on his tracks or something?
Ive always heard a noticable latency with the blend knob at 12 o clock even with my latency at 2ms. Ive always just used tapemachine mode which automatically monitors the signal when recording is taking place and disables when recording isnt taking place.
my question would be why do you need to toggle direct monitoring on in the first place?

When I had my Firepod's, I never once used direct monitoring, so maybe it's just me. Since the blend knob is there, I'd usually just set the right level of blend between the live analog inputs and the playback, so punch in's was easy and seemless, and no monitoring of the input through the DAW was necessary.

Do you apply plugins that the drummer needs to hear on his tracks or something?

yes! ampsims! the blend knob could be somewhat of an alternative, if firepods had a bit more mix control. all he really gets from that is hihats blasting in his ears.
AGZ: I have my punching set up so that it records 3 seconds prior to the punch points I have set on the transport, I just set the end later than I need and then trim it back. And I'm sure it does switch between monitoring modes, but I don't use monitoring within Cubase, just the CueMix for my 8Pre.