Drum Recording in Cubase


Jul 10, 2008
After searching the forum, I found a thread which discusses, how people record drums in Cubase using Pro Tools. Many seem to use the playlist option. However I as far as I know Cubase does not have that option.

How do you guys record drums in Cubase? Will you put all of the relevant drums into a group folder? Do you make punch ins? Or will you record seperate takes and comp later on?

Also any tips on punching in drums? Without making it sound too bodged?

Cheers for all you reponses, really digging this forum
I have all the tracks in one folder. Record a whole take and punch in later (maybe earlier if the drummer completly f..s up). Remember to punch in long before the mistake and continu long after. Then its easier to find a good place were you can crossfade or whatever that sounds natural.. also the drummer must not switch hihat/ride or use a different cymbal when punched in.. that sounds odd.. and he must not play harder og softer.