Cubase users: Anyone gone from SX3 to 4 (studio or full)?


Boob inspector
Jun 10, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
I've been thinking about upgrading my old SX3 rig to Cubase 4 studio. My hardware should be able to run it (Intel quad-core 6600, 2 Gb, winXP) - But I've heard equally good and bad things about version 4. Assuming that somebody has gone to Cubase 4 studio, what's your experience - I'd like to hear "the word on the street" before spending all that money! :)

I bought a copy of SX Studio Earlier in the Year to Run along my Pro Tools Setup.

In comparision to SX3, I don't think there is too much of a difference. Steinberg have mainly invested on improving the way project and presets can be organised. Its alot easier to recall and store settings. On the Full version you are able to use features such as the Control Room set up which apperantly allows you to set up headphone and alternative mixes much easier (better hardware integration)

Cubase has also updated its plugins, essentially giving the old plugins a nice new GUI and its added few new toys. I can't really say they are anything to write home about though. The way Cubase looks is a bit nicer to. More sleeker colours. One thing. Cubase 4 doesn't support Direct X anymore. Only VST, so say goodbye to any plugins you might have..

As for buggyness, well I get the odd crash. But I havent really witnessed anything that I didnt get on SX3, just make sure you keep updated.

All in all, I think that if your not fussed about getting a few more synths and a sleeker look, its probably worth hanging onto your copy of SX3. I was really hoping for Cubase to be on par with Logic, as in feature and giveaways.. However I was slightly dissapointed. I think its getting there though. Also I have a sneaky feeling that Cubase 5 is only just round the corner. They seem to release a new on every 2 years...
I went from SX3 to CS4 to C4.....not a great experience thus far. CS4 doesn't have some key features such as the ability to pan sends, and only one type of automation (fader touch) so I recently got the cheap(ish) upgrade to full C4. C4 (and CS4) will give you the ability to re-order inserts and a few other features (sidechaining with VST 3 plugs) but it's not night and day between those versions and SX3.

The real difference is stability. I've found (and a lot of others) that C4 can be a dog with certain setups. It runs fine for a lot or folks though....

SX3 has no issues whatsoever with my particular setup, but somewhere in amongst my particular penchance for 3rd party plugins, 3 UAD cards, US-2400, Fireface, and my system specs, C4 decides to throw a shitfit. SX3 still runs like a dream on exactly the same setup. Having spent the last 4 days tinkering away with different configurations and trawling the Cubase forum for ideas, I'm about to quit and go back to using SX3 until the next major update.