Anyone using Presonus Studio One?

Used a lot Sonar Cakewalk but now, I only use Studio One. For me the interface is perfect for what I do. I have Reaper as well, but I don't like the fact that there is a lot of pop-up screens whenever you need to add an VST effect and such. Tried cubase but was a lot like Cakewalk

For me, studio one is a really great daw. I saw that the new Cakewalk took a lot of the features of Studio One (interface etc), maybe i'll download the demo to see it.
No you don't dude. You just select the scissors tool. Turn snap off... click where you wish to cut the clip. Then hold ALT+drag on the waveform to slip. ALT+mousewheel to scroll horizontally.

So you only need you first finger on the ALT key, and your 2nd finger or middle finger on the CTRL key.

Must be a new thing, in 1.5 there was no way to slip with the scissors tool activated.
Pop on over to the forums and mention it yourself!! ;)

Did a session today with the band - writing session. That shizzle is really easy in S1, and it doesn't feel bogged down.
Sorry for the thread revival guys, but damn, the more I use Studio One, the more I fall in love with it. Please vote for the feature request linked above.
I can completely agree with the points drew_drummer made with regards to Reaper; even with all of the customisations you can make in Reaper, it always feels like you're fighting a losing battle. The Reaper4 beta hasn't exactly filled me with hope either. So yeah, Studio One - check it! :)
It's a great DAW, I've been doing development testing in it and I can't help but notice how snappy it is and how incredibly well designed it is. No wonder, given that it was created by the geniuses behind Nuendo. I can't wait to see what v2 will be like.
Yo DD!

You are aware that if you've got overlapping events you can just press X, and it will slice the bottom event and cross fade between the overlapping event and the rest of the content after it... right? Not exactly ideal, but it's better than nowt!!
Yo DD!

You are aware that if you've got overlapping events you can just press X, and it will slice the bottom event and cross fade between the overlapping event and the rest of the content after it... right? Not exactly ideal, but it's better than nowt!!

Yeah, I'd just like the overlap to be automatically removed, even if I wasn't crossfading. When do you reckon we'll see v2 and what key features do you think they're working on?
I bought the cheap artist license for the heck of it and really dig it.. It's almost like a hybrid of Nuendo and ableton 2 favorites...

i am almost ready to get the pro upgrade just for the cd mastering alone..

I like it for the same reasons i like ableton...drag and drop, the features i need are always right on the surface... I got tired of right clicking everything in reaper and i don't have the smarts to customize it...
I really like how user friendly the plugins are on my version of Artist, and how great they sound, seriously, even the presets sound pretty badass. However, I can't for the life of me figure out how to use that thing for regular tracking and editing. I bounce .wavs out of Reaper and then render the final version in there cause I'm thoroughly confused with its workflow lmao.