

Founder, Church of Satan
Feb 3, 2002
Milky Way
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Cubs Win!

Did anyone get to see the game? Fox in L.A. decided they would rather show an infomercial for a juicer and reruns of "I Love Lucy". Fuckers.

Ah's still the best day ever.
I noticed. I'm happy for them. There are alot of teams tha I'm happy for this year that made it to the playoffs. Florida (because of Jeff Conine and McKeon), S.F. (Because of Ponson), Minnesota (it's cool to root for the underdog. Normally, I would say fuck the yankee's, but since this is an Anthrax board and there's the possibility of Ian reading this...
What a frustrating year in LA. The Angels took a shit after the all star break and the Dodgers; All that pitching for nothing. Damn them. Watching Eric Gagne pitch this year was cool though. GAME OVER :hypno:

Enough bitching: It'll probably be the Yanks and the Braves\Maybe Giants
but I would like to see the Cubs and Bosox go at it.