Cult of Luna


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
what do you lot reckon? New stuff vs Old stuff?
I went to see them play in Liverpool last week...the turn out was fucking shite. there were like maybe 13 people at the very most. one of the support bands were class though, propper metalcore called textures, bought their album
from the netherlands any of you lot heard em?
theres a track on that site if you want to give them a blast.
I'm bitter. We were supposed to play with them in Paris but our bass player was wounded :erk:
Besides, I don't know much about this band. From the few songs I've heard, I can say it's a good mixture of hardcore and doom in a way.
gutted for you my friend they would be an excellent band to support...their older stuff is alot heavier than the latest album...hits more along the lines of Sigur-Ros and apparently God Speed You Black Emperor! (although i never heard them just read it in a review) light show sorta reminded me of anath' all blues and that.

i dont think these prog bands with like 15min songs transfers very well into live stage though
I was supposed to attend a GYBE! gig like two years ago and I couldn't go because I had no car this day and all transportations were on strike...
I must be doomed with all these bands hehe ! I really wonder how it sounds live...
i just recently found out about the band, and it does sound good to my ears from the few songs I've heard. but for a few months I've been blasting the debut of Koma, which has several members from cult of luna and somehow slightly similar feeling to it. different vocals and all that tho. :headbang:
what are the vox like then? not growly manhood then?

theres a good looking lad who plays the percussion in cult of luna, he sings on one of the latest songs....nearly broke my heart so he did.
well they're more like britpop/rockish whining. suits really well for the massive and heavy music they make.

i think you can find some samples somewhere. there's even the official website, but I can't remember the add... goooogle :D
yeah you can only truely be a britrock band if you have long greasey hair and are exceptionally thin and look a bit feminine.....(like my fella hehehe)
a britrock band or one of those unstable spazcore bands