Current Pain of Salvation line-up - too sexy?

Sep 22, 2011
I knew Gildenlow looks like a walking advertisement for upscale mens jeans, but , with this Ragnar dude, are they exceeding the maximum allowed levels of handsomeness in a thinking man's prog metal band? :guh: Seriously now, I was standing in front of stage right a few days ago, and felt like George in that Seinfeld episode with male masseuse. I am not saying it moved, but.. :heh:

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Reminds me when we saw PoS last year at RoSFest and my wife's reaction to Daniel was, "Damn, you didn't tell me that he's hot."

She liked the music as well.
Saw PoS and Vangough again last night in Chicago.........I'm really glad I made it out again for this. F'n awesome show again. Not as crowded as I would have hoped/expected, but both bands still brought out their "A" game.. Any time they make it here in driving distance, count me in. Now, PoS, time to bring on that new album!!!!!!!!!
I was there too DADRocks - and I think both bands were way better in Chicago than Atlanta ... probably just a week of shows under the belts.
I find talent to be damn sexy and if they are pretty to look at as well, bonus!!
I was too busy looking at Stefan Norgren to pay any attention to Daniel or Ragnar. Goodness. *fans self*
These men can be as gorgeous as they want for all I care...I just wish that they would bring the talent level down about 50% just so we mortal musicians can feel a little better about ourselves!

Stay metal. Never rust.